12 | Muggle-borns

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"The library has nothing on the Chamber of Secrets," I said to Padma.

"Maybe it's in the restricted section."

"Yeah, but the teachers would never let me go to the restricted section for something like that." I entered Professor McGonagall's class and sat down. "Besides, part of what I'm wondering is why there'd be such an ominous place in Hogwarts."

Professor McGonagall stood at the front of the class, awaiting everyone to quiet down.

"So, today, we will be transforming animals into water goblets. Like so:"

McGonagall tapped her wand on the perched bird three times before reciting, "Vera verto."

The bird turned into a glass cup and the class marvelled the transformation.

I leaned my chin on my hand, wondering if someone could turn a dangerous creature that could petrify someone into a water goblet and carry it around the room without anyone batting an eye.

My mind travelled to Harry, then his image in my mind fizzled away as I remembered that he had risked his life to save Hogwarts the year before.

Something these goldfish brains should remember.

"Now it's your turn," Professor McGonagall said as she walked down the steps of her stage. "Who wants to go first? Ah, Mr. Weasley." She walked up to the red haired boy. "One, two, three, vera verto."

Ron reluctantly pulled out his broken wand and waved it three times before reciting, "Vera verto," only for the goblet to turn into some sort of rat-cup creature.

A few chuckles followed by Professor McGonagall reminding Ron to replace his wand led to Hermione raising her hand. "Professor, I was wondering if you could tell us about the Chamber of Secrets."

Professor McGonagall looked at all the anticipating faces and caved. "Very well. Now, you all know, of course that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest wizards of the age: Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin."

She began roaming about the room, her eyes landing on each of us in turn with the names.

"Now, three of the founders coexisted quite harmoniously. One did not. Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed magical learning should be kept within all-magic families; in other words, pure bloods."

I furrowed my brow, my hand unconsciously reaching out to my specialized quill and taking note of everything she was saying.

"Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now, according to legend, Slytherin had created a special chamber in this castle known as the Chamber of Secrets. Though shortly before departing, he sealed it until that time when his own true heir returned to the school."


"The heir alone would be able to open the chamber and unleash the horror within, and by so doing, purge the school of all those who in Slytherin's view, we're unworthy of studying magic."


Would that mean that the next person to be found petrified would be a Muggle-born? What did Mrs. Norris have to do with it?

I glanced at my notes, my eyes landing on Salazar Slytherin's name.

"The chamber is said to hold something that only the heir of Slytherin can control. It is said to be the home of a monster."

Whether figuratively or literally was the question.

I walked out of the class with Draco by my side. "Do you think this kind of thing has happened before?"

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