19 | Being a Wing-Woman Sucks

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Remind me to never try and play wing-woman ever again.

I sat beside Cedric, looking in between him and Cho, who sat across from him.

After Cedric had finished his meeting with the other prefects in the prefect's car, I pulled him into the booth with Cho and I.

They avoided eye contact like the plague, with Cedric suddenly very fascinated with the Hogwarts Express' carpets and Cho very intrigued by the clouds completely blocking the sky from view.

I sighed, leaning my chin on my hand. I hated small talk, but I was perfectly willing to start it if it meant I didn't have to sit in silence for the rest of the ride.

"...You know, solipsism is the belief that nothing outside of your own mind is 100% true, so does that mean that there's a possibility that you came up with each other?"

Yeah, no, I would never start small talk even if you held a wand to my head.

They both gave me the same look, with the ingredients of confusion and unsureness mixed into their pupils.

"So like... a simulation?"

Before anyone could continue, the Hogwarts Express came to an abrupt halt, nearly sending me off my seat. "What happened?" I questioned.

Even better, a moment later the light went out.

"Can the power go out in the Hogwarts Express?" Cedric asked, reaching out to grab my arm as if I'd be gone when the light went back on if he didn't.

The air suddenly went ice cold and Cedric pulled me in to put his hoodie around me. "What's going on?" Cho panicked. "This has never happened before!"

We all turned to the door and went deathly quiet as a hooded figure passed, towering to the ceiling of the train.

I clasped my hand over my mouth until it was out of sight and the booth was slightly warmer.

"What was that?!" Cho whisper-yelled, her hands trembling.

"Dementor," I answered, burying my hands in the pockets of Cedric's hoodie. "They're the guards of Azkaban - probably looking for Sirius Black."

"They think he's here, on the train?!"

The door opened and Cedric pulled Cho away from it, instinctively going for his wand.

"Wait, Ced!" I grabbed his arm.

Luna, who stood in the doorway, lifted her bright pink glasses from her face. "Hi Y/N."

"Hey," I said breathlessly, waving her into the booth.

She sat beside Cho and looked between Cedric and I. "Is he your boyfriend, Y/N?"

"No, brother."

"Ah, I see." She looked at Cedric's hoodie, then back at my face. "He seems very kind."

"Uh huh."

She placed her glasses on again and examined Cedric and Cho. "Your heads are full of wrackspurts."

"Naturally," I mumbled. I've come to realize that wrackspurts are things that fill your brain when you're confused, as she always mentions that my head is full of them when I'm confused.

I didn't know if they existed or not, but it was no use to try and ask anyone.


We entered the Great Hall as usual and Dumbledore said something in regards to the Dementors.

"They are stationed at every entrance to the grounds," he announced, "and while they are with us, I must make it plain that nobody is to leave the school without permission. Dementors will not be fooled by tricks, disguises, or even Invisibility Cloaks."

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