12. Grayson

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I heard my phone buzz and put the book down. I honestly enjoyed the book and I know that if I tell Ale he'll continue to recommend things for me. I guess I don't mind it's cute when he gets happy about books I just get so bored so easily.

I looked over at my phone and saw that it was Elena who had texted me. We've spoken a lot these past few days. It was odd speaking to someone I was planning to sleep with this much. I did enjoy it though. She was smart and kind. Very shy but I thought it was cute she was so nervous around me. We've only really talked about work. I'm nowhere near ready to tell her about the dark part of my life. It may take years before I tell anyone who's not Ale or Enzo.

Elena: Ale said I could leave early tonight! When time should I be ready by?

I smiled 

Me: I'll be at your place at seven. Don't be late I don't want to have to punish you on the first date and wear something with easy access sweetheart. 

Elena: Yes Sir. 

I swiped off messages and went to call Ale. Within a few seconds he picked up "Hey Gray"

"Hi baby why do you sound so stressed?" I got up from my bed and walked to my closet 

"Just some work stuff and Bella's finally home and has been asking for a sibling dinner. I'm just trying to fit everything into my schedule"

I pouted for him. He's always trying to make everything perfect and over work himself "You want to take a break?"

"What did you have in mind?"

"You can give me romantic advice. Where should I take someone on a first date. Keep in mind this is my first ever first date."

"You're going on a date?" he said quietly 

"Maybe. Just help me" he chuckled. I put him on speaker as I continued to pull nice clothes out of my closet to find the perfect outfit for tonight. 

"Okay. The classic could be good. Dinner and a walk afterwards. Bring her flower you know?"

"No not very me. Try again"

He didn't speak for a moment "Shooting rang? You can teacher her how to shoot if she does't know already. Then maybe some ice cream or something."

I smiled "That's actually perfect Ale thank you!"

"Any time Gray."

"Hey how was that girl you took home after date night?"

I had convinced him to leave with her. It was probably stupid on my part because it hurt me to watch it happen but I knew I had given Elena my number and maybe pushing my problem away would help.

"It was okay. She stayed the night. I made her breakfast in the morning and drove her home and we haven't spoke."

"What a gentlemen." I throw on a white button up t-shirt that I left the top three buttons undone on and some black slacks. "I gotta go man I have to call my assistant to arrange the date. Thank you again"

"Have fun baby" he said quietly 

"Bye" I said teasingly. 


At seven on the dot I arrived at Elenas apartment. It was nice. I knew Ale took care of his staff. I knocked on the door and a few moments later she stepped out wearing a black mini skirt that has lace at the bottom and a nice white crop top. "Is this okay?" she asked immediately. 

"You look great." she looked at the flowers in my hand then back at me "Oh um these are for you. I hope you like roses they're a classic"

She smiled wide "I do. Come on in so I can put them in a vase" I nodded and followed her inside. She has nice marble flooring that reminded me of Ale's foyer. There was photos of her and the people all over the walls.

"Who are these people?" I asked as we entered her kitchen .

"Some are friends some are my siblings. I have a younger sister and brother"

"Oh like Ale"

"Yes like Ale" I gave her an odd look. It was odd not hearing her address him out loud as Mr.DeLuca "So are you two close? You're the only friend he really has over"

"Yeah I'm kind of his best friend. I really pulled him out of his shell" she laughed she finished putting the flowers in the vases as I just sat there quietly not knowing what to say.

"Okay let's go! I'm excited"


As we got to the gun rang she looked nervous. No one else was here besides us. It was a shooting area near my office that me and my guys used and I requested they all stay out. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm just not much of a violence person" I laughed. She was a lot like Ale

"You realize who you work for and who you're on a date with?" she chuckled as well 

"Yeah I just. I don't know I saw a lot of this growing up. My dad worked for Ale's dad" I nodded 

"Giovanni DeLuca is a bad man." she nodded "How about we give this a try and if you don't like it we'll do something else." 

"Yeah okay" she smiled at me and I smiled back. I walked over to one of the stands and handed her the headphones as I placed a pair on myself 

"So it's pretty easy to shoot a gun aiming is what's hard" she nodded "First things first always keep your safety on when you're not pointing at the targets." I helped her check that it was on. "Then to aim keep both eyes open for the best depth perception. Keep them angled above the gun and aim slightly lower than you want" I shot my gun and it hit exactly where I wanted it to. She looked impressed "Want to try?"

"Yes sir" She walked in front of me and aimed her gun 

"Where are you aiming for"

"The penis"

"Smart girl" we both chuckled. I helped her a little with her form by putting my hands on her shoulders and moving them a little. She looked at me smiling and I smiled back "Look where the gun is pointing at all times okay?" she nodded and turned back. I stood closer to her as she shot. 

She got pretty close her her target and smiled wide as she giggled. She doesn't have dimples like Ale but her smile is nice. 


We continued to do this for a little while longer and even went for ice cream like Ale suggested. I walked her to her apartment door. "I had fun" she said

"Me too" she looked at the door then back at me. I was told a first date didn't have to end in sex and that it should be meaningful. I didn't realize she was waiting for a kiss 

"Well goodnight then"

"Yeah sleep well" she smiled again and that's when it clicked when she wanted. I leaned down slowly and kissed her on the lips. She tried to put her hands around my neck but it pinned them above her head with one hand and pinned her to the wall 

I continued to kiss her deeply before needing air. "Fuck" she said softly 

"Fuck" I repeated 

She opened her door "Good night Gray"

"Good night Ale" both of us paused "Elena. Good night Elena" she scoffed and closed the door harshly 

"Oh fuck" 

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