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Ale had been bugging me all week to let him meet my cousin and I finally got my cousin to agree.  No one in my life has met him and honestly I was nervous. He was very normal and bland I didn't know how it would mix with Ale and I's life.

As I walked up to the front of Ale's house I pulled out the key I had and unlocked it. When I walked in I saw Matteo playing with a car track in the middle of the Foyer "Aren't you a little old to be doing this?"

"Did you make yourself a key?" I nodded. Ale actually gave it to me. "Can i see it?" I threw the key to him and he pocketed it "Stay out"

"Jokes on you I have two more." he rolled his eyes "What's this for?"

"A physics project"  I nodded and sat down next to him. I started playing with the toy cars "Don't break it."  I hummed as we continued to sit on the floor and build his track in silence.

After about five minutes Ale walked in and chuckled "Why are you two losers playing with toys"

"Why are you not?" I said quickly and Matt high-fived me. He shrugged and sat down besides me

"Ale your boyfriend made himself a key" Matt said without looking up from his work

"I gave it to him"  Matt death stared him "You guys will like each other eventually" both of us scoffed.

I actually don't know why we acted how we do. Neither of us truly disliked each other. We just enjoyed acting like this.

"Okay baby let's go Brandon is meeting us soon."

He smiled a cheeky smile i adore and grabbed onto my hand as i stood up. our matching rings made a sound then they touched and I sucked in a deep breath reminded that Ale was mine. He was mine to protect but he was also mine to lose. 

I loved our rings they were silver with crowns on them mine had an A and Ale's had a G. He bought them for us with his fight money like he promised. I loved knowing that he was mine and he actually liked it and it was a reminder that I was his. But my brain loved to fuck me over and It convinced me that having Ale also meant he could leave me at any minute if I became too fucked up for him. 


Brandon and Ale were getting along. I was awkward at first but as soon as Ale asked for young pictures of me they were nonstop speaking. I had sat back and just watched them interact not saying much. It was nice to see an actual family member of mine get to meet my boyfriend and not try and kill him. 

"Oh my god Gray. There's no way" Ale flashed Brandon's phone at me and a picture of me in Spiderman pj's with a mask on my face popped up. My hair was a mess and it looked blond. It was blond like my moms when I was little but over time it turned black like my dads. I had a fake web shooter in my hand and my mom was holding me up. I had my head titled back and I looked like I was laughing. 

My jaw clenched "Way" I replied. I didn't know what else to say. I was four maybe five in that picture. There wasn't even a memory of it.

"You were so fucking cute. Is that your mom?"

My face softened as I faced him "You've never seen her?" he shook his head no. I guess no one but Enzo knew what my mom looked like and he only knew because of his dad "That's her.  Mary   Beth McKay."

He smiled and held my hand as he zoomed in on her. My hurt sunk "She was so beautiful love." he analyzed her and I caught myself doing the same. It had been a year or two since I looked at any other photo of her then the three I had hidden in my house "You have her nose. You also have her smile"

My heart sunk lower. I'm going to marry this man one day "Thank you." I squeezed his hand "You have your mothers nose" Ale's mom was quite beautiful. Many of the men at galas stopped to look at her specifically. I did however forget Ale hates her before I said that 

"Thanks" he said quickly. I knew he appreciated it because he knew she had beauty but i'm sure being compared to her wasn't fun. 

"Sorry. I forgot under all the pretty she's a bitch" he chuckled and stood up. 

"I'm going to the restroom I'll be back okay." I nodded and let go of his hand. 

Brandon faced me "He's nice." 

"That he is"

"He's hot" my eyes narrowed at Brandon. He was also gay. That's probably why we got along so well as kids

"Yes he is. And he's mine"

"Do you mean that?" I picked up my knife and Brandon immediately noticed. He scotched back a bit. He feared me after hearing what I had gotten myself into all the years we didn't speak "I-i just mean you're a one night stand kind of guy. I've seen you throw people away like food scraps"

"First of all when have I ever wasted food you fucker. And second Ale is not just scraps he is my boyfriend and I adore him so watch how many fucking times you call him hot because next time I'll let you fucking know hot and I'd rather not smell burning flesh"

He coughed and moved uncomfortably In his seat "You've changed" I smirked and leaned back. I lowered the knife and he relaxed. 

After we changed the topic to movies for a few minutes Ale came back. As soon as he sat down he continued to ask Brandon about younger me and I noticed Brandons change in tone. He was still nice and laughing with Ale but he knew his boundaries. 

Despite Ale having a good time I got bored after an hour and a half. There was only so long I could go sober listening to Brandons boring life in PR. I didn't want to just ask Ale to leave because I knew he'd be upset so I had a different approach. 

As he spoke about going to visit Bella in Paris I snuck my hand to his thigh. He didn't flinch as I do this often but once my hand slowly moved up to his cock he eyed me. I smirked. I wanted to play for a minute so I made sure the conversation kept flowing over the glare. When he thought I wasn't going to do anything else he kept talking I pulled out my phone and sent a text.

Me: When we get home I'm going to face fuck you so good you'll forget your fucking name.

As soon as he picked up his phone to read the text I started to rub him very very slowly. He couched and he tried to shift but I placed a tight hand on his thigh so he couldn't. He continued to speak. Playing with him is no fun when he doesn't play back.

Me: Ignoring Daddy will get you punished baby. How does choking on my cock sound?

He didn't look at the text. I moved a little more on him and he checked his phone. This time he went into a coughing fit. So fucking submissive

"Are you okay Ale?"  Brandon asked and Ale stopped coughing.

"Yeah I'm not feeling so great all of a sudden. Would it be okay if we went home Gray?" he looked over at me and I removed my hand. his thigh subtly tried to get contact back. Something anyone around us but me wouldn't have notice.

"Of course baby." I quickly put three hundred dollar bills on the table knowing our meal would most definitely be less but if I was getting lucky so was our waitress. "Sorry to cuts this short Brandon" I stood up. Ale did as well and he pulled his hoodie down a bit. I smirked 

"It's all good. I hope you feel better Ale. It was nice meeting you"

Ale shook his hand "You too Brandon. Let's meet up again soon. I have a million more questions" Brandon nodded and they both smiled.

I basically sprinted to the car.

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