25. Alejandro

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After finding out about Nick nothing really changed. Gray seemed a little bit more nervous before we went to bed but I assured him the nightmares were something I was used to and if it happened it wasn't a big deal.

He texted me to meet him downstairs outside of my office. When I walked outside he was leaning against his car smoking a cigarette. I frowned and took it from him. "Do you want to be in my mouth instead?" I rolled my eyes

"This will kill you"

He started to laugh until he went into a small coughing fit "Ignoring that. Of all things a cigarette is not going to be the thing to kill me"

I couldn't argue with that. "You're right it's going to be me if you keep smoking them." he took it back from me and took a drag from it. He made sure to blow it the other way of me.

Sometimes I miss just being his friend because now if I slap him it's relationship abuse and it would pain me to pain him. "Let's go" he said


He thought for a moment "Japan?" I chuckled

"I have meetings."

"move them"

"I have Matteo"

"Bring him"

"You have all the answers don't you"

He threw the cigarette to the ground and stomped on it "Pretty much. But I just want to travel the world with you."

I thought for a moment. He did have some good answers to my problems. "Okay let's go"

His eyebrow raised "Really?"

It was a long weekend so Matteo wouldn't be missing much school if he decided to come with us. I really could move my meetings if I wanted to. I had some foothold in Japan anyway "I'll call my pilot"

"Fuck that's so hot baby." I rolled my eyes again as I started to walk back to my office "Oh come on. I know you feel hot saying that." I blew him a kiss as I started to open the door "Text me when to be ready"

"Whenever you want. I own the plane" I winked and he pretended to tip over. I did feel pretty fucking hot saying it.


Matteo had decided to stay home. I know he's planning on throwing a party. It made me chuckle because now that my dad is gone he's such a different kid but it a good way.

We were sitting on the plane Gray between my thighs as he played on his phone. I was playing with his hair while looking out the window. "Have you ever fucked on here?" he asked me suddenly

"Yeah." I said nonchalantly he smirked "Calm yourself. Unfortunately the girls i've fucked on here are a lot smaller we'd fall off the couch" I wasn't wrong.

The couch was barely fitting us right now. I needed a new plane. I'd be buying it just to fit on a damn couch with Gray but it would be worth it. "Fine. Party pooper"

I smiled at him "Do you have a plane?" he looked at me with sharpe eyes. Someone's jealous. I chuckled

"I will as soon as Kathrine fucking finishes school. Enzo won't give it to me as long as he has to keep coming back and forth." I knew the plane he was talking about. Bella has sent pics it was black on the outside with a lot of gold interior. It was kind of extra. But I knew Enzo had two planes because he took Bella home from Colorado on a blue one.

"But Enzo has two planes." I said in slight confusion

"No he doesn't." Gray sat up and faced me

"Yeah he does the black one and the blue one"

"The blue one..." Grays eyes widened "He has a blue one?"

"Did you not know?"

"Oh my god i'm going to kill him Ale!!" I chuckled as he sat back in my lap and immediately started to text Enzo to give him the plane.


As soon as we landed in Japan Gray wanted to eat. I was on the verge of falling asleep as we walked the streets near our hotel. I hate sleeping on planes so I had been up for about 22 hours now. "Hey this looks good right!" Gray said as he stopped in front of a small cafe. I nodded barely taking in what he had said.

He leaned in close to me and kissed me softly. Suddenly I was much more awake. He grabbed my hand and pulled me inside. The lady at the front took us to a booth and gave us menus. I thanked her as best I could. I spoke quite a bit of Japanese but if you asked me to speak English or Italian right now i'd have trouble with how sleepy I was.

Gray scanned the menu as I took the time to admire him. I couldn't eat right now I was scared i'd fall asleep with my face in the Ramen bowl. I just came to eat to be with Gray. I smiled as he smiled looking at all the options.

His hair had grown a bit longer but it didn't pass his shoulders. His skin was tanner as it approached summer. Everything about him made me smile even the rough scars covered by his tattoos. He had some new ones I admire. "Do you want anything baby?"

"What looks good to you?" he started to show me the pictures on the menu. He was fluent in Italian, English, and Russian but his dad never saw him as a leader so he never learned other languages.

"I think it's between this one" he pointed at one picture "and this one" he pointed at another

"Get both" I said with a shrug.

"I don't know."

"I'll get one and you get the other and you can eat some of mine" I wouldn't eat but I know Gray will eat about half of mine only because he'd feel bad leaving me with nothing. I'd get to eat the rest when I woke up.

"Okay great!" he smiled wide. The waitress came over and  I ordered for us as Gray smiled happily at the thought of food. I was definitely tried because the waitress, who probably had no idea who I was, looked terrified of me. I looked kind of pissed off when I needed sleep.

Gray told me stories of his childhood with Enzo and random things that happened to him recently as I listened as carefully as I could. When the food came Gray started to eat. When he looked up and noticed I wasn't eating he moved over to my side of the booth.

One thing I loved about Japan was its privacy. I could easily find a restaurant where I would get completely privacy and no one could see me. No one could see into Gray and I's booth. "Sleep baby"

I shook my head no "You need it."

"Sleeping in public is making myself a target"

"First of all you act like i'm not carrying several weapons at all times" I smirked "And second no one here knows who you are. They can't even see you"

I nodded "Okay i'll sleep for a little" I leaned my head on his shoulder and he kissed me softly. As soon as I started to fall asleep I could tell he was going back to eating "Did you come over to my side of the booth just to eat my food?"

"Hush you're supposed to be sleeping." I chuckled but kept my eyes closed anyway. I took in his scent as I fell asleep quickly.

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