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I woke up to screams and a shift in my arms. I heard the name Nick being yelled followed by a few rushed screams. When I opened my eyes Ale was sitting up clutching onto the blanket. His body was shaking and his chest was rising and falling quickly. From the small bit of him I could see in the moon light he looks distressed beyond belief.

"Baby-" I hesitantly put my hand out "Ale what's wrong?" his breath continued to falter and he couldn't answer me "Can I touch you?" he nodded and I instantly pulled him closer to me. The screaming stopped but he still shook and couldn't breathe right. "What can I do for you? What's wrong?" my jaw clenched. I was going to kill whoever caused this.

"I-i." i shushed him and planted soft kisses on his forehead as i rubbed his back. We sat like this for a few moments "Shower" he muttered in between breaths.

"Okay baby. Let's go shower." I picked him up bridal style which I knew he would have complained about if not for the circumstances but he just stayed quite trying to calm his breathing "You're okay Ale I promise. Nothing can hurt you while i'm here." I kiss him softly "Nothing can hurt you even when i'm not. You're so strong"

As I walked into the bathroom I put him down lightly and he stumbled a bit but I snaked my arm around his waist as I turned the shower on. He sat down on the toilet cover and put his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.

I looked at him worriedly. I sat on my knees in front of him and rubbed his arms. I had so many questions, specifically who was Nick, but i didn't want to overwhelm him. "Baby." he looked up at me "Are you okay?"

"I w-will be" he had calmed down a lot but there was still a few times his breath hitched.

"What happened?" he turned his head avoiding eye contact. I sighed upset that he didn't share but I respected his choice. He would share when he's ready "Do you want me to shower with you"

"Yes please" I checked the water temperature and it was warm. I nodded at him and we both started to undress. When we got into the shower his head immediately went under the water. He closed his eyes as the water fell down his face and body.

I stood silently watching him. he grabbed my hand and laced his fingers with mine. He went to grab the shampoo bottle but it slipped through his shaky hands "Fuck" he muttered. I picked it up

"Turn around" he did as I told him to and I started to rub the shampoo in his hair. As I did so I noticed his mouth fall open and closed a few times. He was going to tell me what was wrong. I just had to wait patiently for it. That wasn't something I was used to if i want information I got it immediately but I was not about to scare the shit out of him while he was like this.

"I get nightmares" he started "I started getting them when I was around 17. I used to get them every night for a really long time. Then It was every other day. Recently it's been every few days"

"What changed?"

"You." my heart broke "I sleep well with you. I didn't expect to have a nightmare tonight. I mean I never expect them but I just don't get them when i'm with you."

"Did something trigger it?" he shook his head no but I could tell there was a lie. "What are they about."

"It changes." he turned to face me again as he let the shampoo run out of his hair "Sometimes it's my dad. Sometimes it's losing my siblings. Sometimes it's other things."

Kill My Mind || DOLLHOUSE Spin-offWhere stories live. Discover now