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Enzo and Bella had invited our group over for dinner to talk about things. I knew it was about France. Enzo picked out a beautiful 4 story White House. He surprised Bella a week ago with it and they called me from the house to tell me they're planning moving dates. Everyone here knew they were moving we just didn't know when. 

No one knew yet about Ale and I. I had scared the man who saw us kissing last week into not saying a word. Ale and I agreed to tell the group together and then whoever wanted to know after would just hear from word of mouth.

"He's finally asleep" Alison said as she sat back down at the table and Sam grabbed her hand. Both of them looked exhausted. 

"I don't understand why you brought it to the dinner. It just drinks from Ali's boobs" Matteo and Enzo chuckled. Ale put his head down and Alison gave me the most terrifying stare I've ever seen in my life.

"First of all Gray don't call my son it. I will kill you." I scoffed. Like he could kill me "And second. I feel awful for the person who has to raise children with you"

"Oliver is enough children for me thank you very much. I'll be the cool uncle from a distance" Ale  put his hand on my thigh under the table "Do you want kids" I whispered. My eye brow raised. 

"I haven't thought about it much. Probably not" I let out a sigh or relief. 

Everyone went back to their conversations and I continued to eat my food. I talked a lot but if you put good food in front of me who was I to ignore it. I usually ate in silence because I was too busy stuffing my face. I saw Ale looking over at me "What?" I said with a mouth full of steak. 

He chuckled "You're cute." I winked at him and swallowed my food "Can you pass me the wine?" he asked softly and my heart fucking melted. I grabbed the bottle and poured the wine for him 

"Anything for you baby" I leaned into him and kissed his lips softly. Before I pulled away I heard a gasp followed by a couple of "whats" and "holy shits"

I looked up at everyone then back at Ale who had a sheepish grin. His face was red. God I adored him. I looked back at our friends. Bella, Matteo and Ali had their mouths open. Enzo's head was titled to the side and he had an eye brow raised in confusion and Kat and Sam hand their mouths covered by their hands

"Okay I'll ask since everyones thinking it" Enzo started "What the fuck."

I didn't really mean to tell them like this but I didn't care. "Um." Ale cleared his throat" "Gray and I are dating"

More gasps and "whats" left their mouths "Okay we're not a show." I said as I took my boyfriends hand "Ask away"

"Since when?" Bella asked

"Ale asked me to be his boyfriend last Thursday" she repeated the word boyfriend like It was foreign to her 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Enzo asked. I knew he must have been upset since I've told him everything right as it happens to me for almost 15 years. 

"We wanted to tell you all at once. We didn't think tonight would be the night because it was all about you but I couldn't help myself. I wanted to kiss him" Ale smiled 

"We're sorry by the way about making your night about us" Ale said. I wasn't sorry. I'd make everyday national Ale and Gray day if I could.

"No no I liked this better then our thing" Bella said and Enzo looked offended. I chuckled. 

"Is that all? Because after tonight I'm not answering anymore questions. Ale and I are Ale and I and you guys will get used to it."

"Well we were all pretty used to you flirting with him" Matteo said "But when did he start to like you. How did this happen?"

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