Run Little Girl

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Her face met the gravel with a thud as his disgusting work boot pressed into her cheek. It would leave a mark this time— she knew.

Angry breaths escaped her, creating small puffs of dirt in front of her bloodied lips. Anger because she was too weak, too fragile to fight back. But amidst the pain, she clenched her jaw, determination settling in her gut. This was the last time— she promised herself.  She was done. Done being weak.  Done with him.

"I warned you not to waste time at that place again. When I come home, I expect everything to be perfect and a hot meal waiting," he barked.

With a spark of defiance in her eyes, she managed to nod. His reference to "that place" was the soup kitchen where she had started volunteering a few weeks ago. It felt good to escape her life for just a little while, but today, they had needed her to stay longer.

It was nearly 2 in the morning before he fell asleep. He was a light sleeper and she knew that he'd catch her if she grabbed more than just her shoes and coat. It wasn't like she had anything of value to take with her anyway. She didn't have any money. He'd taken her phone claiming that no one wanted to talk to her anyway. He was the only one who "cared" about her. Why would she need anyone else when she had him?

Quietly she slipped out from under the covers. She moved so painfully slow—she could afford to make a noise. Her heart pounded. Grabbing her shoes and jacket she hurried to the door. Twisting the knob, she pushed it forward barely making a sound. She was out the door running in her socks down the gravel road jacket flapping with her effort.

She didn't know how long she went on like that, but when she felt she was far enough out of sight she stopped on the side of the road— slipping on her tennis shoes and jacket. It was just getting cold enough to need the extra layer. Her breath came out in puffs against the light of the full moon.

Suddenly, the sound of tires spinning in the gravel filled the air, and she spotted the headlights approaching in the distance. Panic surged through her veins. He must have woken up and realized she was gone.

He'd kill her this time.

Without a second thought, she veered into the woods, seeking refuge among the shadows. Fear pushed her forward, her feet pounding on the ground as she ran with everything she had, feeling each rock and root through her worn-out soles.

Out of no where her body collided with something solid.

A searing pain shot through her head, and her vision blurred. She tried to get up, but her legs wouldn't obey. Panic and desperation consumed her. She sucked in a breath that was most saliva and chocked.

A gruff voice grated across her mind.  "I'm sorry darlin' your in the wrong place at the wrong time."

He tossed her over his shoulder, like she weigh  nothing, knocking the breath from her lungs.

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