Wolf Found

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The forest was alive with a symphony of sounds as Lance and I ventured deep into the heart of our pack's territory. The moon hung high in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow on the landscape. The metallic tang of blood lingered in the air, a stark reminder of the ruthless creature we were hunting down.

As we moved with the stealth of shadows, my wolf instincts guided me through the winding paths of the forest. The scent of the rogue's blood was faint but still discernible, leading us closer to our quarry. We had to be cautious; whatever had done this was cunning and dangerous.

Following the trail, I caught sight of a lone wolf moving swiftly through the underbrush. Intrigued, I motioned for Lance to halt, and we observed from a distance. The wolf's movements graceful and fluid. They didn't seem like a rogue, but appearances could be deceiving. Their coloring was indistinguishable as they were completely covered in blood and muck.

With silent precision, we closed the distance, ensuring we remained undetected. As we got closer, I was taken aback when I saw the wolf shift into human form. What I saw before me was not the fierce, battle-hardened rogue I had anticipated, but a small, fragile-looking female.

"Did we follow the wrong trail?" Lance whispered, his confusion mirroring my own.

I shook my head, trying to make sense of the situation. This couldn't be the rogue responsible for the carnage we had discovered earlier. She was too young, too small to have committed such a violent act.

Still, we couldn't dismiss her so easily. Her scent was intertwined with the rogue's, and her presence here raised questions. Was she an accomplice, or did she stumble upon the scene after the fact?

Approaching cautiously, we kept our distance but observed her closely. She seemed lost in thought, her expression a mix of confusion and fear. It was evident she was trying to make sense of the chaos around her.

My wolf instincts tugged at me, urging me to stay alert. This situation was far from ordinary, and there was more to her than met the eye. I felt a strange sense of protectiveness towards her, despite the uncertainty surrounding her involvement. It was a curiosity that begged me move closer.

We needed answers, and I decided it was time to make our presence known. Standing over her, we had no choice but to shift. Her eyes went wide and a squeak burst from her mouth as though she'd never seen a shift or a naked man for that matter. Her body trembled as she sat naked in the mud looking up at us in astonishment.

"Who are you?" I asked, keeping my voice steady and non-threatening.

Her gaze snapped to mine, and I could see the shock and wariness in her eyes. "Lia," she whispered, her voice cracking and laced with vulnerability.

"Lia, we're not here to hurt you," I assured her, trying to convey trust. "But we need to know what you were doing here, and if you have any knowledge of what happened to those rogues."

Her eyes darted between Lance and me, and I could sense her inner turmoil. "I... I don't know," she stammered, her body tense with unease.

"You don't know?" Lance asked a hint of a laugh begging to break free. "That's cute."

As I looked down at the small female, my heart seemed to beat faster. Lance held out a hand as if you help her up. When she took it, he spun her into a chokehold. Her naked form shivered against his front.

A low guttural growl escaped my throat. Lance glared at me, and I looked away.

What the hell was he doing?

"The Alpha wants to see her."

Of course he did. Ethan was by the book. The golden boy. The pride of the pack.

He wouldn't be able to resist having a hand in whatever this was.

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