Surprise Visitor

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At some point, I had, in fact, dozed off. It felt like only for a moment though.

Another loud knock at the door startled me to a standing position. My muscles revolted and tensed.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," I heard Cole say, his voice muffled, before I saw his wet, towel-clad body emerge from a room to my right. "Don't get your panties in a wad, woman."

I didn't know if the fact that the visitor was a woman should put me at ease or on high alert. If this woman was his lover, then it was probably the latter.

I took a few steps back as Cole flung the door open.

"Shit, Cole. Get some damn clothes on," came a disgusted female voice.

Clearly not a lover then.

That was good—I assumed.

She was breathtaking in an odd way. Silver waves framed her delicate face, and bright sage green eyes peered in my direction.

The moment her eyes landed on me, a smile lit up her face.

"Well, well. I guess that explains it then. Why both my dumbass brothers are willing to go against the council for a made wolf," she declared, a playful smirk dancing on her lips as she shook her head in mock disapproval and sauntered into the room.

"Lexa," he said, his gaze shifting to me, a subtle tension in his voice. "This is Lia."

"Well, hello Lia," she said, her voice laced with a hint of bemusement. "I've heard so much about you in the past two and a half hours. It's nice to put a face with the name."

I mustered a polite smile, acutely aware of her scrutinizing eyes. They seemed to dissect my every feature, searching for something.

Where I'd never had much to show for myself, this woman looked like she had been well cared for. There was absolutely nothing wrong with that, but it was clear that I would be found lacking.

Her gaze was piercing yet not unkind, as if she was trying to unravel a mystery rather than pass judgment. It was both unsettling and oddly comforting.

Cole cleared his throat, breaking the tension. "And Lia, this is my sister, Lexa. She's a bit of a trouble maker. Likes to go around sticking her nose in places it doesn't belong."

Lexa pulled a face at Cole's description, then collapsed onto the couch beside me, in her short silver party dress.  The fur vest she donned enveloped her like a protective cocoon as she crossed her legs and exhaled heavily, her eyes closing momentarily in a feigned display of exhaustion.

"I'm just gonna crash here," she announced nonchalantly, and I glanced at Cole, hoping that this whole ordeal would end soon.  Exhaustion had hit me like a ton of bricks now that the adrenaline rush was gone.

"Lexa, Lia was sleeping there, and I'm sure she'd like to go back to sleep."

"I can't believe you didn't offer her your bed," Lexa chided back, her words laced with a teasing edge that dared him to refute her logic.
"Or at least offer to share it."

"Lexa." He said in warning as if he had suddenly had enough of her antics. 

She relented with a dramatic roll of her eyes. "Fine, fine," she conceded, rising to her feet.  "I'll leave, but let me know before you do something stupid."

Cole nodded as he ushered her toward the door. 

Moments later I watched as he waved goodbye and closed the door. 

Only now did I remember that he was still naked beneath that small blue towel. My cheeks flushed, but the wild inside me licked her lips. 

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