A Tale of Two Males

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To my surprise, as we returned to Cole's apartment, Ethan was standing at the door, his presence commanding and authoritative.

"Did you find everything you needed?" His voice held a hint of impatience, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of vulnerability under his intense gaze.

"We may have to head into the city at some point to get a few things, but I think she can make do with what we found," Lexa responded confidently, seemingly unfazed by Ethan's demeanor.

"Okay," Ethan stated, his eyes now focused squarely on me. "We'll arrange a day next week. She's going to need a few evening gowns, and you'll make her an appointment at the salon you go to."

His words hit me like a wave of reality crashing down, and I suddenly felt a pang of vulnerability. I hadn't been to a salon in years and had taken to cutting my own hair.

"It's really not necessary," I started, my voice shaky. I didn't want to burden anyone further, especially considering all that had already been done for me.

"I insist," he declared firmly, his eyes holding mine with an unwavering intensity that left no room for argument. He seemed to see the sudden shift and then said.  "Lex loves any excuse to go. You can make a girl's day of it."

Cole carried my bags into his spare room, and placed them on the bed.

"Did you have a nice time?" Cole asked, his eyes holding a hint of curiosity as he turned his attention to me.

I hesitated for a moment before responding, "I did, actually." Lexa's company had been surprisingly enjoyable, a break from the overwhelming circumstances I found myself in.

Cole's gaze drifted towards the bed, and a feeling of uncertainty washed over me. Did he expect something more from me? My heart quickened, and I braced for whatever might come next.

Breaking the silence, Cole's voice took on a more determined tone. "This room really doesn't look that comfortable. I guess I haven't had many guests."

I glanced around the room, noting its simplicity. "It's fine," I replied, because it really was. 

"It is, but—how about I take you shopping tomorrow, so you can pick out some things to make the room more to your liking."

I started to protest, but then reality set in. I had no other place to go; my previous life was gone. The weight of my situation began to sink in.

"I guess, if you insist." I said. 

Cole looked at the bags on the bed, a silent acknowledgment of my need for space. "I'll let you unpack," he said and turned to leave the room. But he halted at the doorway, as if remembering something crucial.

"I put some fresh towels in the en-suite earlier," he added, his voice carrying a touch of consideration.

I nodded my thanks, grateful for these small acts of kindness. "Thank you," I replied, my gaze shifting towards the door in the corner of the room, which I hadn't noticed until now.

Once Cole closed the door behind him, I began the task of unpacking my bags. When that was completed, I made my way into the en-suite bathroom, my thoughts dominated by the promise of a long, soothing bath.

Kicking off the slippers and shedding the oversized outfit I'd been wearing, I eased myself into the scalding water and closed my eyes. 

I wasn't alone I realized as that new part of me whined.

It seemed to speak to me in thoughts that were mine, yet not entirely. Cole was the pinnacle of her thoughts and beyond him she simply wanted free, but I didn't know if that was something that was allowed. 

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