Truth of It

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Ethan's office looked like a battlefield, and he was like I'd never seen him. Shirt half-unbuttoned and hair bearing witness to the intensity of the situation. His meeting with the council had really taken a toil on him.

"She's been through a lot," I murmured, the echoes of Lia's pain still haunting my thoughts.

Ethan's frown deepened, lines of concern etched onto his face. "I could have guessed as much."

As we discussed the situation, Ethan continued, his voice laced with worry. "I need you to keep a close watch on her, especially concerning her relationship with Cole. I'll talk to him too, but it's paramount that he doesn't jeopardize this for her. The council has given us less than two months to find her mate and complete the bond before the winter solstice. Vanessa and I are working on organizing mixers and events to increase our chances."

Ethan's shoulders slumped, burdened by the enormity of our task.

"Have you noticed the way Cole looks at her, though?" I inquired.

"Oh, like she's a tasty treat to sink his teeth in?" Ethan quipped.

"No," I stated firmly. "Our brother is genuinely taken with the new she-wolf."

"Damn it." Ethan swore under his breath, frustration evident in his expression.

As he pondered the situation, he mused, "I might need to find her alternative accommodations, but she needs to stay with one of us.  But I'm not willing to put you at risk if things take a turn for the worse."

"I don't mind having her stay with me," I told him honestly.

Ethan's concern was palpable as he cautioned, "Lexa, there could be those who discover what she is and come after her."

I reassured him, "I can handle myself."

He sighed, pouring another shot. "I know, but I'd sleep better knowing you're safe."

There was a moments pause before he continued. "Make the appointment with Dimitri tomorrow and do whatever else you girls do to make her look perfect."

I raised an eyebrow in response, prompting Ethan to acknowledge the seemingly superficial request. "Ethan, really?"

He sighed, realizing the necessity despite its unconventional nature. "Lexa, we can't take any chances. She needs some refinement."

I couldn't resist a comment, though, as I studied him, "She is really pretty, though, Ethan."

His stern look conveyed the seriousness of the situation. "This isn't about whether she's pretty or not, Lexa. It's about securing her future and the safety of our pack. We can't afford to find her mate and have him reject the bond."

Back in my apartment, I pulled out my phone and swiftly scheduled the appointments with Dimitri and others while pouring myself a generous glass of wine. My mind was filled with thoughts of Lia, and I couldn't help but wonder how she'd react to the idea of having a mate, especially considering her traumatic past.

Shedding my shoes, I settled onto the couch, pulling my blanket over me. Guilt gnawed at my mind as I thought about my own situation. I'd known about my mate for what felt like forever, yet I'd kept him at arm's length, allowing fear and uncertainty to hold me back.

My fingers danced over the phone's screen as I sent a text to Vance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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