Through New Eyes

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As I ran deeper into the forest, my senses heightened, and an exhilarating rush coursed through me. Becoming a wolf had transformed everything—I saw the world in vivid detail, heard the subtlest of sounds, and scents carried a wealth of information I couldn't have imagined as a human. It was as if a whole new realm of existence had opened up before me.

In this wolf form, I felt liberated from the constraints of my human body. My movements were effortless and swift, gliding gracefully over the forest floor. Each step revealed a symphony of textures—the softness of moss, the coolness of the earth, and the occasional rustle of fallen leaves.

The moonlight filtered through the dense canopy above, casting enchanting patterns on the forest floor. There was an inexplicable sense of familiarity as if my wolf self recognized this place from a distant memory. Instinctively, I knew I had to press on, driven by an unyielding urge to explore deeper into the heart of the forest.

A deep curiosity and purpose urged me forward, as if an invisible force beckoned me to seek out something hidden among the trees. I couldn't ignore the pull; it was as if my wolf-self was compelled to understand this mysterious call.

My heightened sense of smell became my guide, capturing scents that told stories of the forest's inhabitants—the fluttering of small creatures, the musk of fellow wolves, and the sweet fragrance of flowers. Every scent was a thread woven into a tapestry of life, and I was drawn to follow its trail.

As I ran deeper, the untamed beauty of the forest enraptured me. The rhythmic pounding of my paws against the earth became a primal symphony, an intimate dance with nature itself. I felt a profound connection with the land, as if my very soul resonated with the essence of the forest.

The further I ventured, the stronger the conviction that something significant awaited me. It was an inexplicable yearning that pushed me forward, guiding me through the twists and turns of the dense woodland.

Suddenly, a snarl echoed behind me, and I whirled around just in time to see two enormous wolves approaching. I rolled tail over front into the mud-unable to stop myself. Panic surged through me, and in an instant, I was human again, sprawled in the mud. Completely naked and vulnerable, I scrambled backward, feeling a mix of fear and anticipation coursing through me.

The two wolves towered over me, their eyes piercing into my very soul. I felt exposed, my vulnerability laid bare before these majestic creatures.

I was so dead.

Just as I thought they were sure to attack, their bodies melded seamlessly into men. My eyes went wide and I grasp at mud attempting to lean further back from under their weighted stares.

How? How had that just happened?

Standing before me now—two of the most painfully beautiful men that I'd ever seen.

What was this? They couldn't be real.

"Who are you?" One of the males asked. He looked like he'd been carved from gold by the gods. His naked body glistened in the moonlight, and I had to fight everything inside me to keep from touching him. His bright amber eyes assessed me—scouring every inch of my body. I felt laid bare before him. His golden brown hair was a bit long and hung carelessly just over one eye.

He'd asked me something though. My name...

"Lia." I attempted, but my voice cracked as though I hadn't used it in days.

He was asking something about rogues. I didn't know what rogues were exactly, but he'd asked if I'd been involved in killing them. He meant the three people that had— had. Oh God— they'd... I had— what had I done?

"I don't know." I stammered, attempting to hold back the tears. The fear and confusion overwhelmed me, and my mind was a jumbled mess of images and emotions. The memory of the blood-soaked bodies flashed before my eyes, and a gut-wrenching guilt clawed at my heart.

They seemed to study me, their expressions unreadable. I could feel their scrutiny like a physical touch, and it made my skin prickle with both discomfort and an odd kind of fascination.

The golden-eyed man spoke again, his voice calm and measured, "You were there, Lia. We can smell it on you. Tell us everything you remember. We aren't here to hurt you."

I tried to speak, but the words caught in my throat. I couldn't find the right words to describe what had happened. The shock and trauma of the events were still fresh, and my mind was a chaotic whirlwind.

The other man, with eyes that seemed like the purest shade of midnight, stepped closer, his gaze intense and searching. He held a hand out to me.

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