A Girl's Girl

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My cheeks burned, still tingling from the lingering intensity of Cole's touch. Had my desperate need to escape my ex led me right into another complicated situation? I should have known better than to involve myself with men, but damn it, my chest tightened at the mere thought of him.

He was dangerous, more so than Jonas had ever been. The memory of Jonas threatened to engulf me, and I instinctively wrapped my arms tightly around myself, as if physical restraint could keep those haunting memories at bay.

Lexa's concerned gaze settled on me, and she spoke with a surprising hint of empathy. "You okay? I know all of this has to be overwhelming, and Cole, he isn't usually like that."

Her words caught me off guard, and it took a moment for me to find my voice. "It's just...a lot to take in," I replied, struggling to convey the whirlwind of emotions swirling inside me.

"Ethan sent us HIS credit card," Lexa revealed with a conspiratorial grin.

I stopped mid-step, my worry returning. "I don't have any way to pay him back."

"Neither do I," she laughed. "We're about to do some serious damage with this thing."

As we approached the first boutique, an unexpected chill crept up my spine, causing me to bristle with unease. I turned to glance behind me but found nothing out of place. It was just a strange feeling, one I couldn't shake.

Lexa was a whirlwind of energy and enthusiasm as we ventured from shop to shop. She had an uncanny knack for picking out clothes that matched my style, despite having known me for just a short time.

"Try this one on!" Lexa exclaimed, handing me a dress that was a beautiful shade of deep blue. It was the kind of blue that reminded me of the ocean on a clear day. She had already selected a few outfits for me, and I was starting to feel overwhelmed by her generosity.

"I appreciate all of this, Lexa, but I can't accept everything," I protested, holding the dress in my hands.

She waved away my concerns with a grin. "Nonsense! Ethan practically gave us his credit card for this shopping spree. Besides, you deserve it after everything you've been through."

I couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude for Lexa's kindness. She had a way of making me feel at ease, despite the chaotic turn my life had taken.

We continued to browse through the racks, Lexa pulling out items that caught her eye. Each piece seemed more perfect than the last, and I couldn't help but try them on. It was like she had an innate sense of what would look good on me.

As the shopping bags piled up, I couldn't help but feel guilty about the extravagance of it all. "Lexa, are you sure about this? It's a lot of stuff."

She gave me a playful nudge. "Lia, it's not every day that we get to go on a shopping spree with a nearly unlimited budget. Besides, you need a fresh start, and what better way to do that than with a new wardrobe?"

I hesitated for a moment, but her infectious enthusiasm won me over. "Alright, let's keep going. But promise me we won't bankrupt Ethan."

Lexa laughed and linked her arm with mine. "Deal. Now, let's get something to eat and then we'll go to Gemori's Unmentionables."

I paused at the name.  That sounded, well it sounded like a place that was at least a little unsavory.  Cole flashed to mind, and I berated myself for being so weak. 

I wasn't that type of girl that jumped from man to man.  In fact, Jonas was the only real relationship I'd ever been in and that hadn't turned out so well for me. 

As I savored the last bite of pizza, a sense of contentment washed over me, a feeling I hadn't experienced in a long time. Lexa had been asking about my life before the attack, and I had reluctantly shared my tragic story.

Once I had finished recounting the painful details, Lexa leaned back, her expression a mix of shock and sympathy. "Well, shit," she remarked with an irreverent grin. "I don't think we've done enough shopping to make up for all of that."

I couldn't help but chuckle at her blunt honesty. Lexa was proving to be refreshingly unfiltered, and I appreciated her genuine nature more than I could express. It was as if she had a way of breaking down the walls I had built around myself, one candid comment at a time.

We left the pizzeria behind and entered Gemori's Unmentionables, a high-end lingerie store that made me feel both excited and slightly out of my element. Lexa led the way, expertly selecting a range of delicate lace bras and panties in an array of colors, all designed to make any woman feel irresistibly alluring.

As we exited the store, the sky was darkening, and I was so absorbed in the shopping experience that I hadn't noticed the time. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Cole waiting at the exit, his brow raised in a mix of amusement and curiosity.

Lexa, seemingly unfazed, greeted him with a playful smirk. "Hey there, big brother. Fancy carrying some bags for your favorite sister and her new friend?"

Cole chuckled, his eyes twinkling with good humor as he took in our numerous shopping bags. "Fine."

As he helped us with the bags, I couldn't help but feel a strange mix of emotions. There was something comforting about having Cole by our side, a sense of protection and familiarity that I hadn't felt in a long time.

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