33.My world

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Today was our last day before winter break, and I was mad at myself for saying things that I didn't even mean and hurting Minho. Of course, I didn't mean them and of course, I saw our relationship in a serious way. But I was upset, and people say pretty stupid things when they are upset. Things that they always don't mean. I tried to talk to Minho three times, but he refused to even open the door.Dae said to give him some space and that he is always overreacting. But I wouldn't see him for months, and I couldn't leave without a goodbye. I knocked at his door one last time with no luck

Y/n: Can you please talk to me? I don't want to leave without a goodbye 

I said, resting my head outside his door, but I didn't get an answer. I sighed looking at the floor before getting back to my room where I found Q and Kitty sitting on the bed 

Q: Is he still mad at you?

He said, and I nodded before I sat next to them trying to hold the tears that were filling my eyes 

Q: I know that you didn't mean what you said, but it really upset him. You really mean a lot to him, and he is really going to miss you. You are his whole world!

He said, and I smiled at myself looking on the floor. I was his whole world and he was mine! I never felt this way for anyone before. I may have had crushes before, but I had never fallen deeply in love with anyone before. But I knew one thing. That I loved him! I haven't said it to him because I was scared. I don't even know why I was scared, but I was. So I promised myself that I wasn't leaving this country without making clear to him how much I loved him

Q: I still can't believe that you are not coming back.

He said and we both nodded, still not believing what happened

Q: I am going to miss you both so much 

He said, taking our hands in his

Kitty: We are going to miss you too, roomie 

She said, and I nodded before I saw a tear rolling down Q's cheek, and he wiped it away 

Q: Stop making me cry, witches

He said, and that was when I heard the door open. I saw Minho entering from the door and my eyes immediately filled with tears 

Minho:Well, I am out! Cheers dude, I will see you after break 

He said, shaking hands with Q and avoiding eye contact with me

Minho: Bye Kitty be good

He said before he looked at me 

Minho: You too, love 

He said messing my hair and he left the room. That is not the goodbye that I wanted. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks and I ran behind him. I wasn't leaving without the goodbye we both deserved. I was lucky enough to see him in the hallway 

Y/n: That is not a proper goodbye 

I said with tears running down my eyes, and when he saw me, he immediately let his luggage fall to the ground and opened his arms. I jump into his hug, putting my legs around his torso, not letting him go and my hands around his neck while I buried my face in his neck. He tried to hold me not to fall to the ground and buried his face in my hair. I felt more and more tears rolling down my cheeks non-stop 

Y/n: I am sorry, I am sorry, I am sorry

I said looking at him and making sure that he heard me, then he wiped the tears from my cheeks with a smile on his face 

Minho: I know love

He said kissing me on the forehead 

Y/n: I didn't mean any of it, I was just upset, and I feel stupid for saying those things. Our relationship means so much to me, and words can't explain how much I appreciate you. You mean the world to me, and sometimes I even think that I don't deserve you 

I said with tears in my eyes, and he smiled, brushing away the hair that was falling on my face 

Minho: You know what is it on the 3rd of January, the day that we are coming back?

He asked and I nodded. Of course, I knew what day it was! I would never even forget it 

Y/n: Your birthday?

(I don't remember if Minho's birthday is mentioned on the show but let's just pretend that it is then)

I asked confused and he nodded

Minho: Yeah, and the present that I want for you is to see you on the bus of the school that day and I promise that I will have a seat next to me only reserved for you

He said with a smile and I nodded. He was asking for me to come back the next semester for his birthday. I sighed looking on the floor. Minho was right! I always put others before myself and forget what I want to do. And truly, what I really wanted was to return and be with him.

Y/n: Fine,but I promise that I will annoy you so much that you will get tired of me 

I said, and he laughed with a smile on his face 

Minho: I doubt that 

He said, kissing me with a smile on his face. This kiss was so loving and passionate at the same time. Neither of us wanted to pull away because we knew this will be the last one for a long time. I promised him that I will return and I would. Not only for him, but also for me. He made me realise that it is worth it to risk coming back if I wanted our relationship to survive. Because I know that if we both really want to have a future together, then we will do anything to achieve it. No matter what it takes or how long.

Y/n: I am going to miss you annoying poopy baby 

I said, and he laughed, helping me get on the floor

Minho:Me too Cruella! But promise me that you will video call me every day

He said, and I nodded before I kiss him one last time and gave him a letter from my pocket 

Y/n: Read it on the plane.

I said, and he nodded before putting it in his pocket with a smile. Then I remember those three words that I wanted to say to him for a really long time, but I was always afraid to do 

Y/n: I wanted to tell you for so long, but I was afraid! I lo-

Before I was able to finish my sentence, he looked at his clock and his eyes widened 

Minho: Great, I am kind of late.

He said upset but then smiled when he looked at me

Minho: At least the distraction was cute 

He said, kissing my forehead one last time, and then left while picking up his luggage. I saw him walking away and then disappearing into my eyes. Then I sighed before I took out my phone and called the principal, agreeing to the new scholarship. She was really happy that I accepted it and wished me a good break. Then I walked into my dorm where I found Kitty waiting for me 

Kitty: Great Y/n it is time for us to leave 

She said, giving me my jacket, Q also exited his room to say goodbye to us 

Y/n: I promised Minho that I will come back next semeste

I said and Q's eyes lighten up before he hugged me tight 

Q: That is the most amazing news that I heard today 

He said messing my hair and I smiled before Kitty hugged me 

Kitty: I am so happy that you finally listened to your heart and not your brain 

She said and I smiled

"Thinking of you keeps me awake. Dreaming of you keeps me asleep. Being with you keeps me alive"

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