35. The letter

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Dear Minho,

       I decided to write you this letter after I realized that you don't want to talk to me. I am sorry for every single stupid word that I said in our argument, and I want you to know that I didn't mean anything.                                                                                                                                                                  My whole life I had my nose in books travelling into different universes and I just loved being in my own fantasy world because it was what gave me comfort and love in times when I was sad or depressed. Sometimes I believed that fictional characters could be better than humans, and they were from time to time. Because they couldn't break your heart or make you sad, but they did the exact opposite. They made me happy! I grew up thinking that love only existed in books and that it is difficult to find the one in real life. I never believed that anyone in this world could be able to love me like Heathcliff loved Catherine, or how Eduard loved Eleanor. But you proved them all wrong. You made me realize that love really exists in the real world, and you just need to find the right person. You were the Mr Darcy I always dreamed of having, and thank you for that! I know that we weren't given enough time, but I just know that if we both want this distant relationship to work, then we will do anything to make it happen. I would do anything to make it happen. And If in the end this doesn't work for us, and each of us will end up following a different path, then please remember that the earth is round, and we will meet again in the future. Maybe in five, ten, or twenty years, I don't know exactly, but what I know is that we will meet again. Maybe not in this lifetime, but we will. I just know it. No matter what it takes!                               Please try to forgive me, I know that what I said was unforgivable, but of course I see our relationship in a serious way. If I didn't then I wouldn't waste my time writing this letter. But I did because you mean a lot to me and no matter how much time passes and no matter what happens between us, you will always have a special place in my heart...

                                                                                                                                                            With love, Covey

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