EXTRA CHAPTER:Graduation Day

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Two years later...

I looked down at my blue valedictorian gown one last time before I finally walked up the aisle to take my diploma when my name was called. Principal Lim hugged me tight and then showed me the way to the microphone. I looked at the crowd with a smile on my face. I won't hide it, of course, I was nervous like crazy, but the cheers of my family and friends made me forget everything. I would do what my dad said "It is your moment to shine, please enjoy it" and that is what I was going to do.

Y/n: Dear students and teachers, the day that all of us were waiting for finally came. From tomorrow morning each one of us will follow a different path and I think that is what hurts the most. Because for the last four years for me, it was two but still, we shared so many memories bad and good that always going to be held in a small place in our hearts. I know that is hard to say goodbye, but this is life and every good thing always has an ending, and we can do nothing to change that. I want to dedicate this speech to my family and friends who have been always my biggest supporters, and most specifically my twin sister Kitty, my biggest cheerleader. Since the day that I came to this planet has been annoying me but also comforting me in bad times! She always found a way to make a smile appear on my face no matter what, and I am lucky to have someone like her in my life. Let's not forget my other three amazing siblings, who are going to beat me up if I only mention Kitty in the speech, but I love you guys.

I said making a heart with my hands and I heard a few laughs from the audience 

Y/n: Anyway because no speech can't finish without me mentioning the queen Taylor Swift. I want to repeat something that she said in her own graduation speech. She said that the bad news is... that you are on your own now. But the good news is...you are on your own now. And remember that the key to succeeding in this sometimes scary but significant world is to not stay in the past but look forward to the future. No matter what it takes because we are the future of this planet and we have to try and change it for the better

I said, and the audience immediately stood up for applause, and I looked at them with a smile on my face. It was hard to believe that I was graduating. Right there at that moment, I had officially finished high school 

Y/n: Thank you 

I said leaving the stage. After the ceremony was finished, I went outside to find my family and my friends sitting together and chatting. I immediately went to them with a smile on my face and Kitty came and hugged me tight 

Kitty: Your speech was beautiful 

She said, trying to hide the tears from her eyes, but she was unfortunate 

Kitty: We made it

She said looking at me with a smile on her face, I nodded while looking at the school building

Y/n: Yes we did 

Let me fill you in on what you missed the last two years because believe me that a lot happened. Q and Florian stayed together, like Yuri and Julianna. Dae and Kitty decided to stay friends, and that's what they did. Dae fell in love with another girl in our year Rosie and Kitty decided that she was better alone for now until she finds her true love. She said that she needed to find herself first, and I am truly proud of her. She was also accepted into NYC like LJ had a few years ago. My best friend Olympe and perfect roommate for the last two years also found love with Mario, and they are planning to go together to college in French. I was accepted at Yale and ready to start my studies in the fall. Minho my boyfriend. Yeah, he didn't get tired of me yet, but he tries to get his VISA accepted, so he could be able to come to America and because we want to live together after college. But for now, he was accepted into Brown, and he is going there also in the fall. We are going to be 86.05 miles away from each other, but we will find a way anyway. Minho came to me and span me around with a smile on his face 

Minho: Look at you Miss gorgeous Valedictorian 

He said, and I smiled at him before I kissed him 

Y/n: Thank you! You don't look bad either 

I said with a smile, and he just laughed before he took out a piece of paper and handed it to me 

Minho: Looks like more than four years, and then you will be the first thing I see when I wake up and the last thing I see when I fall asleep

He said, and I took the paper from him in confusion. When I read it, my eyes immediately lighten up in excitement because he was accepted in America, and he was finally a legal citizen. He could come and live with me. I hugged him tight, not letting him go.

Y/n: Would you have believed that the annoying American girl who dared to put your bag on the dirty ground would be the love of your life

I said, wrapping my arms around his neck and he scoffed 

Minho: Who said you are the love of my life?

He asked, and I looked at him with a death stare before he laughed

Minho: God no one laughs at my jokes anymore

He said disappointed and I laughed 

Y/n: Because you are not funny

I said, and he laughed before he kissed me. My fifteen years old self wouldn't believe me if I told her all the things that I have achieved in the last three years because they really are unbelievable. It may be hard sometimes but it really ended up being worth it and it looks like I had my happy ending after all...


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