The Flyer

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I walked down the hallway, my worn-out shoes squeaking on the linoleum floor, a monotonous soundtrack accompanying my tired steps. 

Listening to my friend go on and on about her situationship for the hundredth time today.

"And it's like, why even text me at 4 a.m.? Am I just there as a rebound?"

Yes, I think to myself knowing full and well what he thinks of her. As she recounted her latest encounter, I couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu.

It was a cycle of hope and disappointment, with her caught in the gravitational pull of someone who clearly didn't value her as she deserved. 

I knew, deep down, that her emotions were tethered to someone who regarded her as nothing more than a rebound—a temporary distraction from his own heartache.

"Are you even listening to me?"

"Huh, oh yeah yeah, so what then?"

"Whatever" she mumbled, knowing I wasn't bothered to listen. She turned her attention towards the board set up for clubs. I sighed.

"Maybe, you just need something to take your mind off it. Like just use this break to unplug and relax" I say looking at the board and seeing nothing but boring clubs but one caught my eye. 

A vibrant flyer pinned to the notice board promised an oasis of tranquility—a free retreat where one could immerse themselves in the pursuit of inner harmony.

"Free? With food and all expenses?" Amelia said, looking over my shoulder.

"Yeah, this has to be fake"

"Probably one of those weird time shares scams"

But at the bottom, it had some weird message

"Unplug from the chaos of daily life and immerse yourself in a transformative journey towards inner tranquility. 

Discover the secrets of stress-free living and unlock powerful techniques to navigate the labyrinth of memories that shape your existence. Join us to learn the art of letting go and embracing a future unburdened by the weight of the past."

Huh, strange, that's what I just said

My heart skipped a beat as hope flickered within me. Could this be the answer I had been yearning for? A chance to find solace amidst the chaos, to uncover hidden truths within me? 

Without hesitation, I gently tore the flyer from the board, its edges crisp against my fingertips. Folding it carefully, I slipped it into my backpack, preserving this fragment of possibility.

"You're really gonna keep that Y/N?"

"Yeah, I mean at least spending time with a bunch of random people trying to scam me out of money I dont have, won't be worse than going home"

Amelia pauses, her gaze fixed upon me, a tender expression reflected in her warm brown eyes. Pity. She takes a deep breath as if she's about to say something but stops herself and simply nods.

"Then I'll come"

"Really? Aren't you going home to spend some time with your family?"

"Nah my brothers got a new baby and a new wife I dont want to be a part of that train wreck"

"Alright, it says in two days so that'll give me time to pack"

We say our goodbyes as we head to our classes and try to focus on the upcoming break, I knew I needed this break more than anything. 

Between school and dealing with my parents, it's been a struggle but maybe I needed this more than I thought. Maybe this is a sign.

Amidst the droning voice of the teacher, incessantly discussing upcoming assignments and due dates, I discreetly retrieved my laptop, determined to uncover more information about The Elysian Dawn.

I clicked on the first website and scrolled, it had beautiful pictures of mountains and wildlife, but it said it was only five miles outside of town.

How come I never heard of this place before?

I kept scrolling and only saw nothing but good reviews and pictures. I saw pictures of staff and Story after story unfolded before my eyes, recounting transformative experiences, profound healing, and unparalleled personal growth.

The more I read, the more my skepticism dissolved, replaced by eager anticipation. The retreat seemed to be a sacred sanctuary where individuals found solace from their past burdens and embarked on a profound journey of self-discovery.

With the cheerful chime of the bell, signaling the end of the school term, excitement filled the air as we were finally off for the much-anticipated Christmas break. Laughter and chatter filled the hallways, and the promise of joyful festivities and cherished moments with loved ones awaited us.

I've never been this excited for Christmas in a while, this is the first time we're getting a longer break because the school is getting remodeled. As I entered my room, a flurry of activity ensued. 

Clothes, books, and various essentials were carefully placed in my suitcase, ready to accompany me on the much-awaited vacation.

Just as I zipped up my bag, a faint buzzing sensation in my pocket caught my attention. Pulling out my phone, I glanced at the screen to find a new notification vying for my attention.

Missed call from Mom

Missed call from Mom

Missed call from Dad

Nope, absolutely not. They are not going to ruin this break for me, I blocked both of their numbers and continued on with my day as if nothing happened.

As the day went on I heard a gentle knock on my door.

"Come in," I say cleaning the last bit of my things

"Wow, the first time this place looked decent," Amelia says

"Yeah just making sure nothing gets left behind," I say, knowing I really didn't have that much stuff but still managed to have my room messy.

"Are you sure you wanna go on this trip?"

"Well, it's either that or go home and I'd rather deal with the second option. Do you really want to go home and deal with your brother and his ex-wife?"

"Good point, last year I thought for sure bringing you would at least stop them from trying to kill each other"

"Well it did stop them from trying to get you to get involved"

Thinking back to last year, when Amileas's family acted like children and fought like they were in a ring over a relationship that was dead long before it was even alive. 

I feel bad for her, having a family divided and them forcing you to pick sides and arguing until it feels like your ears are bleeding. At every point, there was an argument and even one over sleep.

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