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(Dean's POV)

As she succumbed to slumber, I found myself captivated by the delicate rise and fall of her chest. My poor beloved, so evidently distressed in my presence, yet she held a sweetness that was utterly enchanting.

I couldn't resist the urge to lean in, lowering my face to rest gently upon her chest, where the rhythmic throb of her heart provided a hypnotic serenade. In the realm of sleep, her face bore a serenity so profound, a stark contrast to the turmoil that seemed to accompany my presence when she was awake.

Reluctantly, I peeled myself away, compelled by the pressing demands of work that awaited me in my office. But try as I might, I found my thoughts constantly drifting back to the warmth she had radiated, both physically and emotionally. Her scent lingered, a tantalizing reminder of her exquisite allure.

In the midst of my struggle to focus, I finally gave in and summoned Orchia. "Orchia, please send in Ms. Luong," I muttered, my gaze remaining fixed upon the screens that enveloped me.

The massive screen loomed before me, projecting the serene image of Y/N enveloped in her peaceful slumber. It was as though her very presence had forged an unbreakable tether within the depths of my consciousness, an irresistible force refusing to relinquish its grip.

A voice, aged and brittle, broke the silence from behind me. "When is the ceremony?" it inquired, laden with the weight of expectation.

"My beloved will be prepared when she is ready, and her choice alone will dictate the timing," I responded, my words simmering with a restrained fury.

"Nothing like your father; he'd have had her broken and subservient within a week, tops," the voice retorted callously. Inhaling deeply, I struggled to quell the rising anger that surged within me before finally turning around.

"If you ever dare to utter my father's name again," I hissed, my voice deceptively calm yet laced with an ominous undercurrent, "I will relegate you to a position so low that my darling wouldn't even deign to soil her feet on your wretched visage, even if she were to step through sewage water. Is that perfectly clear?" The old woman trembled in fear as my words pierced the air.

"Yes," she stammered, her fear palpable.

"And should I catch even a whisper of the word 'ceremony' escaping your lips in proximity to her," I continued, my gaze a silent, chilling threat that spoke volumes more than words ever could. Inhaling deeply, I attempted to regain control of my anger, aware of the legacy of power and dominance that my family name carried.

The elderly woman departed in haste, leaving me to return to my room where Y/N lay. Gazing upon her, I whispered, "My precious, how could anyone fail to bestow upon you the world you so richly deserve?"

I observed her as she stirred awake, her vulnerability a captivating sight. Her graceful movements as she rose and headed to breakfast were endearing, yet the unsettling echo of that woman's words continued to reverberate within me.

"If this were your father..."

The audacity of her presumption struck me like a dagger, igniting a seething anger that coursed through my veins. How dare she intrude upon our world with such a comparison?

Who was she to pass judgment on us?

My eyes shifted to another monitor, capturing the arrival of the newcomers as they settled into their respective rooms. The very idea of these interlopers, breathing the same air as my beloved, was an affront beyond measure. How could they even contemplate sharing her presence?

An urgent need arose within me. They had to go, to vanish from this place as swiftly as they had arrived. Yet, the prospect of their abrupt departure without explanation filled me with dread. Y/N would surely despise me for such a callous act.

I summoned the brothers for a clandestine conversation, their presence a comfort amidst the turmoil. "Yes, sir?" they responded in unison, awaiting my command.

"Keep both of them occupied, divert their attention," I instructed, my voice laced with determination. They acknowledged my orders and departed on their assigned tasks.

I turned my gaze back to the monitor, my eyes locked on the new arrivals. They were unwelcome intruders in this carefully curated world I had built for Y/N. Each moment they spent in her proximity felt like an intrusion, a violation of the sanctity I had created.

Why, I wondered, did fate deem it necessary for them to enter our lives?



writer's block is beating my ass

Also, i'm thinking of uploading another story im working on

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