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After a few days of recuperation, he led me outside.

"Where are we going?" I inquired, curiosity piqued.

"To a little gathering," he replied cryptically, guiding me to a house and into the backyard.

"Hey, girl!" someone exclaimed as I was greeted by a table full of familiar faces.

"We heard about your surprise honeymoon," Jasmine remarked, her tone tinged with amusement.

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment at the mention of our impromptu trip.

"And that wedding! Why didn't you mention you were engaged?" Amelia chimed in, her expression slightly offended.

"I honestly had no clue what was happening, let alone that I was engaged," I admitted with a nervous laugh.

"Ha! Sounds like something Luther would do," Alex interjected with a chuckle.

"Let me see the ring," Sandy insisted, grabbing my hand and examining the diamond. "Lovely, it's quite sizable."

"Yeah, Dean mentioned it's a blend of his mom's and mine," I shared, noticing a puzzled expression on Amelia's face.

"How did he even know what your mom's ring looked like?" she questioned, her confusion evident.

"I'm not sure. It's strange to think about. My mom hardly ever wore her ring, now that I think about it," I mused, a realization dawning upon me.

The conversation swiftly shifted to other topics, but my mind remained fixated on the mysterious origins of the ring.

As the evening progressed and drinks began to circulate, a concoction called jungle juice made its way into my hands.

"What's this?" I asked, eyeing the colorful mixture skeptically.

"Trust me, it's delicious," Tammy assured me, and I took a sip, the tangy sweetness tantalizing my taste buds.

As the music filled the air and people began to sway to the rhythm, Dean extended his hand towards me.

"Care to dance, my wife?" he invited with a warm smile.

"Nah, I'm good," I replied casually, my gaze wandering over the scene before us.

"Is something wrong?" he inquired, concern etched in his features.

"Nah..." I trailed off, avoiding his eyes.

"You know, this scene reminds me of the game we used to play," he remarked, gesturing towards the twinkling lights strung overhead.

"Oh yeah, it does," I acknowledged, taking another sip of the fruity cocktail in my hand.

"Wanna play another round?" he proposed, a hint of mischief in his tone.

"What do I get if I win?" I quipped, feeling the effects of the alcohol beginning to take hold.

"You'll get..." he paused, considering his offer. "Hmm, you'll get dessert, and I'll make sure to keep you entertained with some surprises."

"Fine then, what's the game?" I relented, the alcohol adding a carefree lilt to my voice.

"The game is truth or dare," he declared, his eyes sparkling with anticipation. "But we can't play here."

"Where can we play?" I inquired, intrigued by the prospect.

"Follow me," he urged, gently tugging me away from the bustling dance floor. Glancing back, I caught sight of Jasmine twirling in the arms of her wife. She met my gaze and mouthed something, but the music drowned out her words.

"Get some," She mouthed, chuckling as she watched me stumble slightly.

"Yeah, she's definitely drunk," I said as Dean guided me towards a shed that had been converted into a cozy space off to the side.

I collapsed onto the couch with a groan. "I really shouldn't have had that jungle juice."

"How many cups did you have?" Dean inquired, concern lacing his voice.

"Only two," I confessed, flashing him a tipsy grin.

"Then I have some catching up to do," he replied, snatching a cup and taking a sip. "Now, truth or dare?"

"Truth," I decided, feeling a sudden wave of bravery wash over me.

"Do you love me?" he blurted out, his expression caught between amusement and surprise.

"Yeah," I affirmed without hesitation, causing him to nearly choke on his drink in disbelief.

"Truth or dare?" I countered, eager to keep the game going.

"Dare," Dean replied, a mischievous glint in his eye.

"I dare you to... let me draw on your face," I challenged, unable to contain my laughter.

"Fine, then, honey," he agreed with a smirk, producing a marker and leaning in as I carefully drew a mustache on his face.

"Now, truth or dare?" Dean inquired with a playful glint in his eyes.

"Dare," I replied, ready for whatever challenge he had in store.

"I dare you to call me only by pet names," he declared, a smirk dancing on his lips.

"Fine then, darling," I acquiesced with a laugh. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth," Dean chose, his curiosity piqued.

"How did you know what my mom's ring looked like?" I blurted out, the question slipping from my lips before I could stop it. Dean's expression momentarily faltered, caught off guard by the unexpected inquiry, before he quickly composed himself with a reassuring smile.

"That night she was wearing it," he explained calmly.

"But she only wears it for special occasions," I pointed out, a hint of suspicion creeping into my voice.

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