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The laughter slowly subsided, and as the jokes faded away, I found myself wandering into Dean's room, seeking the comfort of his bed. It was strange; I had only been in this room for two days, yet it felt as if I had lived here for years. The room held a peculiar familiarity that both comforted and disturbed me.

"Wanna continue the game?" a voice boomed from the doorway, and even before he spoke, I knew it was Dean. His presence was suffocating, and I could feel his eyes fixated on me, like a predator eyeing its prey.

"Nah, I wanna go to sleep," I said, my voice barely above a murmur, my eyelids growing heavier with each passing moment.

"Aw, you're so cute when you're sleepy," he mumbled as he lay down beside me, his warm breath brushing against my ear, sending shivers down my spine. His closeness made me uncomfortable, but I didn't have the strength to push him away.

Soon, I drifted off to sleep, but this slumber was different from before. It was far worse, filled with uneasy dreams and a sense of foreboding. I felt trapped in a maze of darkness, unable to find my way out. Every sound seemed amplified, and the walls of the room felt like they were closing in on me.

It was memories, my own mind showing me things I had buried deep down. Suddenly, I found myself in my old room, with pictures hung up on the walls and toys scattered around in a haphazard manner.

It was as if I had traveled back in time to my childhood.

But it was my childhood.

The room was a mess from top to bottom, just like any typical kid's room. But amidst the familiar chaos, I heard muffled yelling and screaming. It was the echo of a day I had long tried to forget, a day that had left scars on my soul.

I realised what day I was reliving

A day I hadn't dreamt about in four years.

My breath hitched as the memories flooded back, and I realized what day I was reliving. It was a day I hadn't dreamt about in ten long years - a day that had forever changed the course of my life.

The screaming got closer and closer, and I felt a sense of dread consume me. I wanted to escape, to wake up from this terrifying nightmare, but I was trapped in the past, forced to relive those horrifying moments.

As the door opened wider, I caught a glimpse of the figures beyond - the shadows of my parents, their faces contorted with anger and rage. My heart pounded in my ears as I desperately tried to escape their wrath, but I was frozen in place, unable to move.

The room seemed to close in around me, the walls suffocating and oppressive, just like they were all those years ago. I felt like a helpless child once again, unable to protect myself from the turmoil that surrounded me.

I wanted to scream, to run, to escape this nightmare, but my voice was trapped in my throat. All I could do was watch as the memories played out before me, feeling every ounce of fear and pain that I had buried deep within myself.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, it was over.

My eyes snapped open, and my body jolted upright, instinctively moving away from the bed. Dean's voice filled the room, and my heart raced as I tried to grasp my surroundings.

"Baby, baby, are you okay?" Dean's voice was filled with concern, and I could see him rushing towards me.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart and clear my mind from the haunting memories that had just consumed me.

Dean's voice broke through the nightmarish scene. It was a lifeline, pulling me back to reality and grounding me in the present. The sound of his voice brought a sense of comfort and safety, but it also reminded me of the complicated emotions I felt towards him.

Despite the fear and anxiety that still lingered, I found myself seeking solace in Dean's embrace. His arms around me felt like a shield, protecting me from the horrors of my past. And as I held onto him, I realized that maybe, just maybe, I could find healing and strength in the love and support he offered.

"I'm... I'm fine," I managed to say, my voice shaky.

Dean reached out, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. "You were tossing and turning in your sleep. It sounded like you were having a nightmare," he said softly.

I nodded, still feeling the lingering effects of the dream. "Yeah, it was... it was just a bad dream," I replied, trying to dismiss the intensity of the emotions that had come rushing back.

"Tell me about it," Dean said, his eyes filled with genuine concern.

"It was just... memories," I hesitated, not wanting to burden him with the details of my painful past.

The fear was still there, lingering in the corners of my mind, but in Dean's presence, it felt more manageable. He made me feel seen and heard, and I knew that with him by my side, I could face the demons of my past and finally find the courage to confront my nightmares.

As the adrenaline slowly ebbed away, I closed my eyes, allowing myself to rest in the comfort of Dean's embrace.

Dean's grip tightened on my shoulder, offering silent support. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but I'm here if you need to talk," he said softly.

For a moment, I considered brushing it off, pretending like it was nothing. But the truth was, Dean had become a significant part of my life, and he deserved to know the truth.

"It was a day from my past, a day that... that I've tried to forget for years," I finally admitted, my voice barely above a whisper.

Dean's expression softened, and he pulled me into a comforting embrace. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that," he said, his voice filled with empathy.

I leaned into his embrace, feeling a sense of safety and warmth wash over me. It was strange how he could evoke such conflicting emotions in me - fear and comfort, anxiety and solace.

It was strange

Almost ironic

I looked up at him, really seeing him for the first time. His face was etched with worry as he held me in his arms, and I noticed the old, worn-away scars that adorned his arms. How had I never noticed this before? How much else had I overlooked?

My fingers traced over his scars, and I felt his breath catch in his throat. I looked up into his eyes, my hands gently cupping his face. He leaned in, placing a tender kiss against my cheek, and in that moment, a dreaded thought crossed my mind – I wished it was my lips.

But this was not the time nor the place for such thoughts. though Dean's touch and presence brought a sense of comfort, there was still much I needed to sort out within myself.

"I'm okay now," I assured him, trying to push away those distracting thoughts. My words were met with a mix of relief and concern in his eyes.

Are you sure?" he asked softly, his voice tinged with vulnerability.

"Yes, I'm sure, Dean," I replied, my voice as gentle as a breeze. In his embrace, I felt a sense of calm wash over me, like the ocean's gentle waves lapping against the shore.

His head found its place in the crook of my neck, and he showered me with tender kisses, each one a soft caress that eased the ache in my heart.

"I'll be here if you need me, no matter where I am," he murmured, his words like a whispered promise in the night. "You could whisper my name, and I will come running," he added, his breath warm against my ear.

In that moment, time seemed to stand still as he pulled me down to lay on top of him. The world outside ceased to exist, and it was just us, entwined in each other's embrace.

It felt like warmth, a cozy fire on a winter's night, melting away the chill of doubt and fear. It felt like safety, like finding shelter from the storm, knowing that I was protected in his arms.

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