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After that, a blazing warmth spread across my face, and I couldn't believe what had just transpired.

Did I really just let that happen?

"We should do that more often," Dean suggested with a grin, and in that moment, I wished the earth would open up and swallow me whole.

Internally conflicted, I couldn't shake the mix of confusion and guilt. Here was Dean, a person with questionable sanity and likely a murderer, and yet...

he radiated an unsettling charisma that seemed to captivate me against my better judgment.

"I, uh, I don't think that's a good idea," I stammered, trying to regain my composure.

Dean, however, seemed undeterred by my internal turmoil. His eyes glinted with a peculiar intensity, as if he found joy in unraveling the threads of my resistance.

"You're a special one, Y/N," he whispered, his fingers lightly tracing patterns on my arm. "There's something about you that sets my world on fire."

In the wake of that unexpected kiss, a strange dance of emotions unfolded within me. It was as if I had momentarily stepped into an alternate reality where the rules were warped, and the boundaries blurred. Dean's words lingered like an eerie melody, resonating in the depths of my thoughts.

As he continued to express his twisted affection, a mixture of fear and curiosity brewed within me. I wrestled with the conflicting currents of repulsion and a bizarre fascination, both repelled and drawn to the enigmatic figure before me.

His fingers, like whispers of a sinister secret, trailed along my skin, leaving traces of uncertainty in their wake. I couldn't deny the magnetic pull, a gravitational force that defied reason.

"I wish you knew how much i loved you" he mumbled

Every word sent shivers down my spine, and not the kind that promised warmth. It was a chilling awareness of the dangerous game I was playing.

And yet, despite the rational alarms screaming in my mind, there was an undeniable allure to the flames he conjured, pulling me closer to a darkness I couldn't fully comprehend.

"Uh i think im just gonna walk around for a bit"

"Can I show you something?" Dean said


I trailed behind him as he led me down a worn path, and to my surprise, we stumbled upon a decrepit old church. It seemed as though it had been abandoned for decades, its timeworn facade bearing the scars of time and neglect. 

The air around it was heavy with the weight of forgotten prayers and untold stories, and a sense of eeriness hung like a shroud over the desolate structure. It stood as a relic of the past, a silent witness to the passage of time and the mysteries it held within its weathered walls.

"Your the only person i let come here, most people don't even know it exist"

"What is this place?"

"My father's old church; he held services every day, and they used to go on for hours," Dean said, pushing open the creaking doors.

As the doors swung open, a cascade of dust fell, catching the dim light filtering through the broken windows.

"Wow, this place is huge," I remarked, peering into the shadows.

"After I took over at fifteen, I abandoned this place, reduced it to nothing more than a memory," Dean explained, his gaze fixed on the old microphone stand. "I changed this place for the better, even if the old members who've been here for decades hated it."

I fell silent, taking in the solemn atmosphere. The old church held the weight of history, and I couldn't help but marvel at the detailed craftsmanship.

"My father and grandfather meticulously crafted every inch of this place, convinced it was God's dwelling, and that the clarity of God's voice depended on the quality of its construction."

"They heard voices?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Yes, and they even wrote their own bible."

"What was your grandfather like?"

"He was kind but still lost in my father's ways. After my grandmother passed, it was like he gave up, listening to my father's every word as they both spiraled out of control."

"Do you hear voices?" I asked, absentminded, my thoughts swirling in the echoes of the past.

"Not anymore, unlike my father i believe in modern medicine instead of thinking it was god voice"

I looked at the carvings in the wood as my fingers traced over them

"Why don't you ever speak of your parents?"

"You know more than i know"

"But i want to hear it from you"

"My mother... She was like a phantom, the embodiment of an existence you'd believe impossible. Her hatred seemed insurmountable. She despised me for being loved by my father, loathed me for excelling academically. The instant she glimpsed her reflection in me, it became unbearable for her."

"And your dad"

"Somehow he was worse than her in my eyes, the way he just watched instead of doing something... anyways i don't talk to them if anything i'd rather die here than step foot back in that house"

"Do you fear them?"

"Nah more like loath, i mean i ran to random place in the middle of the woods then be with them"

Dean let out a chuckle "well it lead you to me"

"Yeah it did"

"How do you feel about me?"

"I... i don't know"

"That's ok, we'll figure it out together"



My phone is acting weird and somehow didn't publish this to what I set it to

Also is it true some of yall will report a book if it doesn't have lemon???

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