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In the group chat, as Dean left for work, everyone congregated, and the conversation quickly turned to the unsettling similarities in our situations.

"Is this just some kind of place for stalkers?" Alex asked, his tone tinged with disbelief.

"Uh, yeah, like I said, birds of a feather," I replied, trying to maintain a semblance of calm amidst the mounting unease.

"Do you guys ever wonder what would happen if you push them to their limit?" Jasmine interjected, her voice trembling with apprehension.

"Hell no, I ignored Dean once, and the man looked like he just escaped a mental asylum," I chimed in, my words carrying a weight of caution.

The room fell into a heavy silence as Jasmine question hung in the air, lingering like an unspoken fear. "Do you... do you guys ever wonder what would happen if you ran away? I mean, we have the phones?" she ventured, her voice barely above a whisper.

The mere suggestion sent a chill down my spine, the thought of defying the carefully constructed facade of our lives filling me with dread. "Are you kidding me? This whole phone thing is a set-up," Alex exclaimed, his frustration boiling over.

But before he could elaborate further, a sense of paranoia washed over me, the feeling that we were being watched looming like a shadow in the back of my mind.

"I ran and..." I started, my voice trailing off as the implications of my words hung in the air, leaving us all to ponder the precariousness of our situation.

"I know what you mean," Jasmine whispered, her eyes darting around the room as if expecting someone to burst in at any moment. "Sometimes, I feel like there's more to all of this than we realize."

The weight of her words settled over us like a heavy blanket, each of us lost in our own thoughts as we grappled with the unsettling truth of our reality.

What if the very act of questioning the status quo was enough to seal my fate?

The sound of a notification jolted me from my thoughts, a message from Sarah appearing on the screen. "I can't shake the feeling that we're being watched," she had written, her words echoing the unease that had settled over us all.

With a heavy heart, I replied, the weight of my words hanging in the air like a silent accusation. "I know what you mean," I confessed, the truth of our situation staring back at me from the glowing screen.


It's like they're always watching, even when they're not here. 

I can feel their presence, like a shadow lurking in the corner.


I've noticed that too. 

It's like they have eyes everywhere, 

even when we think we're alone.


Yeah, and it's not just the physical surveillance. 

It's the way they seem to know everything about us, 

even things we haven't told them.



It's like they're inside our heads, 

reading our thoughts and anticipating our actions.


It's creepy,

 to say the least. 

I can't shake the feeling that they're up to something, 

something sinister.


I've tried to confront James about it, 

but he just brushes it off like I'm being paranoid.


Same here. 

Whenever I bring it up with Luther, 

he acts like I'm crazy or imagining things.


They're gaslighting us, 

making us doubt our own perceptions and instincts.


And it's working. 

I find myself questioning whether I'm overreacting

 or if there's really something going on.


We can't let them manipulate us like this. 

We need to stand up for ourselves and demand answers.


But what if they don't give us any? 

What if they're hiding something so big, 

they'll do anything to keep us from finding out?

Entrapped hearts  [Yandere Cult X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now