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Oh my god



It all began when my boyfriend and I decided to turn my new job into a resort trip.

"Hey, baby, guess what I've got," Deven exclaimed, leaping over the couch and eagerly showing me his screen.

"You're coming with me to my new job!" I shouted in excitement.

"Yup, so you won't have to be alone."

"When do we leave?"

"Right now," he said.

He understood that I needed a pick-me-up after landing this new job, so I packed a few essentials while he prepared our little beat-up car for the journey.

Arriving after a drive through the eerie forest, we found ourselves facing what appeared to be a vast, renovated farm.

"Are you sure this is it?" I questioned.

"Yup, couldn't rely on GPS, had to use an ancient map, but it points right here," he assured me as we stepped out of the car and discreetly knocked on the door.

"Hello! Oh my goodness, you must be the new employees," greeted an older woman, eagerly shaking my hand. "I'm Shayla."

"You seem quite cheerful," I remarked.

"We just... don't receive new workers very often," Shayla admitted, her expression tinged with a hint of melancholy as she glanced around the dimly lit foyer of the renovated farm.

"Okay," I replied, feeling a bit uneasy, while Luther stood quietly beside me, observing the scene.

"I'll gather everyone," Shayla said briskly, her steps echoing as she hurried off down the hall.

A few minutes later, a small group of staff members emerged from various doorways, their faces curious yet welcoming as they approached to retrieve our luggage, exchanging polite nods and smiles.

As we were escorted to our rooms, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled over me like a heavy blanket. Glancing at Luther, who seemed unperturbed, I voiced my concern.

"Doesn't this place seem a bit... odd?" I whispered, my voice barely audible over the creaking floorboards, but Luther simply flashed me a reassuring smile and gestured for me to join him on the bed.

"Nah, just chill, babe. Let's take some time to relax and unwind," he murmured, pulling me down beside him as we sank into the plush bedding, enveloped by the eerie silence of the unfamiliar surroundings.

As the weeks passed in my new job, it felt like stepping into a dreamland, with each day filled with a variety of delightful activities. 

From engaging in games and sports to enjoying the thrills of waterparks, beach parties, clubs, and soothing spa sessions, it was a rejuvenating experience that left me feeling more relaxed than I had in years.

My daily tasks primarily involved overseeing the setup and management of supplies, a task efficiently completed within just a few hours. However, amidst the idyllic surroundings, a subtle shift began to occur – Luther's demeanor took on an increasingly peculiar edge. 

It started with subtle glances and evolved into his insistence on being by my side for every activity, even going as far as to assist me with my duties.

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