Chapter 26

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Is it too much to ask that my body hair can take a chill and not grow the very next day I shave them?

The girls are getting ready in my room and I'm sitting on the bathroom floor shaving the heck out of my arm that I shaved yesterday. I finish it by scrubbing in the shower and moisturizing afterwards.

My room is a sight to behold. If you have ever seen the backstage of a fashion show in movies or YouTube, it looks exactly like that ;only smaller.

"When will Noah be coming? " Raven asked Brie.

"Around seven-ish," she said combing my hair.

"Red lips with red dress or bold eyeliner with nude lips?" Lee asked holding the lipstick and eyeliner.

All three of us looked at her equally confused.

"Red lips it is then," she sighed.

I blinked.

Then I blinked some more.

Raven had changed into her golden dress and with hair and make-up done and I gasped at the sight. Everything was just so perfect, so right . She looked like a walking goddess.

My throat worked and Ifinallyfound my voice. "Drake is going to die. Dude is dead. Gone."

She stretched out her hand and I held her and squeezed it.

"I'm so happy with all of this.", Lee squeaked going into the bathroom with her red dress.

"Did you just empty the entire hair spray can on my hair?" I asked Brie who had tied my hair in a sleek low bun and was now rigorously shaking the can for spray to work.

"I guess ...yeah...But your hair's done."

I planted a kiss on her cheek and moved to get my makeup bag. It's still an hour and a half till Zander show up.

When we were all dressed up we did a runway walk in the hallway and Lee being the instagram whore that she is filmed videos that she said she would make into a reel later.

For half an hour till seven we clicked pictures. So many that it brought the full charged phone to sixty percent battery.

A little over seven, I opened the door to a knock.

Noah stood there in a navy suit. He looked at me and something odd shone in his brown eyes. He hid it with a blink.

"You look nice." He said flatly.

"Wait till you see Brie. " I smiled and let him in.

Lee groaned, clicking their pictures together "Guys you look so cute together. Peanut butter and jelly cute."

As they were about to walk out the door that I held open for them I saw a tall guy looking lost. He has to be six feet three or four. He also wore a blue navy colored suit.

"Drake?" I questioned. I had never seen Drake before.

Raven moved past me and hugged him.  He gasped looking at her. Lee and I stood in the corner giggling stupidly.

Raven eyed at him up and down, puttinga hand on her hip."Your dumb ass got lost , right?"

"Yeah I knocked two doors before showing up here."

She took his hand and tapped on  the name plate  right next to the door." An-ila Singh, told you."  He gave a nervous chuckle but brushed off the embarrassment and they left.

Lee sighed. "You know the drawback of being a lesbian. Chances are your partner might take a lot of time getting ready."

It was slightly true because Fiona arrived thirty five minutes later than expected. Before going out of the door Lee looked back at me apologetically but I smiled at her and waved it off.

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