Chapter 33

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I winced reaching for the doorknob.

"You sure you'll be okay?" Anne called from the breakfast nook. She was in for a quick bite before she had to leave too. I told her late last night about the news circulating in our college group. Its not like I had any choice, I could barely get any sleep and more than worrying about the people that I don't know, I am worried about people I do know.

How they accepted me when they were the only ones to know was totally different than how they might react in the presence of hundreds who now know. I am afraid of that.

I half tirned to face her. "I'll be alright."

As much of a shock this news was, I talked my way to going to show up at college. Sure fear was fisting my heart at that time but I couldn't afford another two weeks of slumber. I had to move on.

Zander leaned on his car as I approached him. He brought a nervous hand up to his neck. "You okay?"

"Yes." I could feel my heart beating in my throat.

With a nod, he opened the passenger door. He was adjusting his seat belt when I decided to ask the question I had been dreading.

I sighed longingly and looked at him. "Are you sure being seen with me isn't going to be a problem?"

Zander put his thumb under my chin and tilted my face further up to his. "You know self pity doesn't suit you, Summer. We are not discussing dumb topics."  With that he started the engine.

The students in the college seemed to be celebrating or protesting something. There were banners and cardboards flying high in the sky. It was not a rare sight because there was always something around here.

The minute I got out of the car, Lee pulled me to her and kissed the side of my head. "Thank God you came. I was so worried."

"I'm fine."

Brie joined us and they both ushered me towards our classes. It was then that I noticed one of the cardboards held by a student.

The shame is not yours. It's their. We support you Aurelia Singh.

Stop victim blaming. We stand with Aurelia.

No means No. Understand consent.

Because rape is never the victim's fault. And it wasn't yours Aurelia.

A flood of thousand emotions swarmed me. Suddenly I was surrounded by people patting me on my back, shaking my hand and clapping for me.

"You're brave."

"Aura you're one of the strongest people I know."

I looked around at the unknown women and men surrounding me. No amount of words could even compare to what my heart felt at that moment.  My whole body started shaking with the sobs and Lee held my hand as we walked towards our classroom. Theo, Kelly, Cindy, Dylan, Tucker, Noah and Raven all stood at the door of the class.

Barbie, Mia and Lita stood there too. They didn't say anything to me, maybe unsure of how I would react but when our eyes met, I knew what I needed to know. And that was enough.

A laugh escaped my lungs as I saw Raven holding a sign that read-

My hands are tired from holding this sign since 1960s. Stop victim blaming.

She hugged the life out of me when I stood before her.

When she let go of me, I'm pulled into another hug and to my surprise it was none other than professor Desai herself. "Every inch a student I'm proud of." She beamed at me.

I took my seat next to Zander's vacant one and spaned my eyes across the room searching for him. He was propped up against a table with his arms folded over his chest already looking at me. I could tell by his wide grin that he knew I was looking for him.


What my college mates did for me a week ago was something that would be etched on my mind till the day I die. Columbians showed me that I belonged and it was everything to me.

When I came to New York, it was majorly to get a new start at life. To forget what had happened back home. Forget what all had been said about my character. And forget how my parents were treated. My parents shifted city and when I was well enough to attend a college,I was send here.

A minor part of mine also hoped that this news about me remained hidden from everyone. Somewhere I expected people here to treat me like I was treated in my home city. Friends refusing to stay in contact. Neighbors urging us to move elsewhere. And the constant scrutinizing gaze by everyone.

Instead people here supported me like I was their own.

I flipped my book shut and started walking towards the parking lot. Zander had a full schedule today whereas I only had three classes. So I decided to wait in the canteen. It was almost time so I hoped he would be free by now.

Noah, Brie and Lee met me on the way. Noah's whole face was twisted with something terrible. I looked at him questioningly and then back at Lee.

He breathed a shaky breath. "It was Bridgewood."

"What was?" I was confused.

"Zander was the one who made the information about your ra... about you public." Noah said.



It was early morning when I came to know about all the hell that broke loose at night. Aura's past became a public information and my heart sank at how she would take it. I couldn't stop worrying and had contacted Anne to know how was she. She told me Aura was doing fine and would be going to the college despite whatever shit they were spewing online about her.

I took no time in contacting the social issues society of our college to see if something could be done and they told me they were already planning to do a march to make her feel supported and let her know how strong she was.

She is strong. It takes immense amount of courage to bear the burden of shame that society insisted on making the victim take. It takes a couple more dose to show up with that burden and face the same society.

I was not going to let Aura bear it alone.  Period.

True to the spirit of our university, the enrire college showed up in support. There were women and even some men who had faced abuse in the past and who now showed up with their head held high. Our professors supported this march wholeheartedly and the words without voice reached everyone that victims will not and shall not be blamed. The Columbians wouldn't have it. I won't have it.

Hopefully it also reached the fucker who decided to make this information public in the first place.

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