Chapter 30

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Over the past two weeks, it seemed that Zander had gotten territorial like never before.

I joined college, the very next day. Despite fearing how people in the college would react, I told myself to stop pretending as if the universe revolved around me. And I knew for the fact that Silas's father had helped take down the video.

When Zander told everyone that I was back again, all of them came to meet me the very evening. All my friends and his friends were there and I tried thanking them as best as I could. Tried, because words were not sufficient to express my gratitude for everything they did for me.

Sure, there were snide remarks and pointed fingers at my direction in college. But there were also everyone else who helped me navigate college for the few days untill people got bored and stopped commenting.

Each of my friends and his were under strict instruction from him to be with me every time. Classical literature, modern literature, sociology, international relations; I was with someone so that Matt or Barbie and the minions or some other senior won't make it there mission to embarrass me.

The students were asked not to spread, talk about or even refer the video on and out of the campus. My professors were also extremely understanding and helped me get back to the business right back.

And Zander, well like I said, he was always there making sure I was okay. He looked ready to break a few laws if someone so much as breathed the wrong way next to me.I had to remind him that he is just a college student not Mike Tyson. And in return he reminded me that he didn't care.

"Get your shit together bro. What the fuck!" Raven shoot her head at Tucker, who was having a sneeze attack.

Lee nudged her. "Be nice! Ray."

"Hey don't expect a bless you after two sneezes."

"Shut up Raven." Tucker sneezed again.

My eyes landed on Zander, who was looking down at me, leaning slightly on the side of my chair. "Sit down."

"I'm okay," he said, taking the coffee cup in my hand and casually sipping on it like it was no big deal.

Lee and Cindy caught that gesture and eyed him questioningly.

"What? We live together, eat in a same plate and you think sharing coffee is a biggie?"

Even though I was okay now, Dr. Evans, Anne and Melanie insisted on me staying at the Bridgewood's for another week. Melanie and Jean got too excited and labeled one of the guests room as my permanent room. It was all set until Zander yelled at all of us and took all my stuffs from the guest room, back to his bedroom and told me that he was comfortable sleeping in the couch.

Both the girls gestured zipping their mouths and gave me a sly smile.

I retrieved my gaze from them and looked on my side. "Kelly why don't you use a fork or  chopsticks?"

Kelly was Theo's girlfriend now and she was struggling to pick noodles from spoon as of now.

"They give me bad vibes."

"Who?" Raven looked at her like she has sprouted another head.

"The fork and chopsticks and knife give me bad vibes."

Raven looked at Theo smilingly who flipped her off.

"I'm off to library," I said, finishing the remainder of my coffee and picking up my bag. All my free time was going in catching up with the coursework. They have cut me a slack but I didn't want to misuse it. Plus I loved studying. It was good to be back.

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