Chapter 42

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Tonight is a special occasion.

After Zayn's moody stunt in our university parking Gwen asked me to meet her. I don't know what she wants to talk about but I agreed.

Thinking about Zayn and what he did, leaves an awful taste in my mouth. It's the first time that I have genuinely felt hurt, disturbed and angry all at once. I don't know what my expectations were, I mean we were good being friends but right now I don't even want to see his face.

The doorbell rings.

This isn't the time to have an internal meltdown, Singh.

My new buddy Gwen appears at the front with my enemy's brother.

"Hi guys, C'mon in."

We all look at each other awkwardly, head moving in slow motion before settling on the couch and sofa.

"I swear to God Aura I had no idea Zayn would burn those notes," she paused before sighing loudly and throwing herself further into the sofa.

"That little shit is out of control these days," Titan says, munching on the cookies I had kept on the table earlier. "I say you get a clean break. You have done enough."

He isn't far behind Lee's plan for me. Understandably Lee wants to lock me away and refuse to let Zander even breathe in my direction ever again. But that's not the reality of what the situation is.

Truth is, when I was going through hard times, Zander was always there. I just don't know if the good he has done for me is enough to cancel out what he do these days in his snappy moods.

Basically, if its about his mood swings even Titan hates it but he can't do much about it, can he?

Going from friends to ...I don't even know what we are- strangers, enemies, frenemies?, well this wasn't something I ever thought would happen. And despite my best efforts, I can't not be hurt.

"Also, I didn't know the dynamics between you and Zayn, so I'm sorry if I have overstepped."

My breath catches in my throat. "No, there were no dynamics. We were just good friends," I assure Gwen.

Titan pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing heavily. "C'mon Aura, you're still doing this? I know Zayn sort of declared his love for you in the parking lot. Not an ideal place, but that's not the point."

My eyes widen, body freeze. "That was in the past." A swallow a couple of curses that were on the tip of my tongue seconds ago.

"No, its not. And the way he is behaving  with you now seems like he has a personal agenda against you, which is kinda weird," Gwen says, shaking Titan's blunt words off and forcing a smile.

"Tell me about it," I say and pop a cookie in my mouth. Only Zander Bridgewood could go from love confessions to burning handwritten notes in a couple of weeks.

Taking the milk carton from Titan, I chug on the milk and realize I'm severely thirsty. As I move towards the kitchen to get some water I hear Titan.

"Just don't lose yourself trying to save my brother, Singh."

AS GREAT as it feels to be able to drive myself to university every morning, I'd give anything for having Zayn drive me every now and then. Especially on days like today, when my trainer has beaten the living shit out of me. I am pretty sure I'll be sporting the bruises for days.

Although Finding out that I aced the last semester helps coping with life, before I leave for India to meet my family during semester end breaks.

Locking the front door, I pivot to walk towards my car but instead get bumped into a wall that's not supposed to be there.

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