🐝 Chapter 6 - Bumblebee 🐝

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Bumblebee hopped around with excitement. Luna had told her about Jade Mountain Academy, and Cricket was taking her there now. She could see a bit away, Dusky on Luna's back as the two SilkWings flew the same direction.

Bumblebee looked over at Cricket, who was flying a bit ahead. Though her wings were tired, she buzzed them and went a little faster.

"Cricket, why are SilkWings born without wings?" Bumblebee asked.

"They're like butterflies. When a butterfly is born, it doesn't have wings either." Cricket responded with a friendly glance at Bumblebee.

Bumblebee nodded like she understood. But she'd never seen a baby butterfly.

"Where can I see a baby butterfly?" Bumblebee asked.

Cricket looked like she was holding back a chuckle. "Caterpillar, Bumblebee."

"Ooh, caterpillar..." Bumblebee tried out the word. It didn't sound right.

She liked 'baby butterfly' better.

The HiveWings flew in silence, towards Pyrrhia.


Days of flying later, and the two had reached Pyrrhia. Dusky had gotten there first, and Bumblebee was jealous that he got a ride there and didn't have to waste his own energy.

Cricket landed on the sand of the shore gracefully, though she looked like her legs were about to collapse.

Bumblebee was the one who crashed. She rolled over, head over talons, landing with her wings and back in an awkward position.

Bumblebee straightened herself and sat properly as the Pyrrhian dragons around stifled giggles.

"Welcome, Cricket." Clay greeted them. Bumblebee had heard Cricket talk about adventures on Pyrrhia. Luna had told her about Clay, and Cricket told Bumblebee.

"We are grateful that you let Bumblebee into your school. Right Bumblebee?" Cricket nudged Bumblebee with her wing.

"Uhm, yeah! I'm excited!" Bumblebee stammered.

"It's this way. Near the RainWing kingdom and in between the SkyWing kingdom and SandWing desert." Clay pointed a wing north.

Bumblebee felt weird listening to any dragon name except for HiveWings, LeafWings and SilkWings.

Cricket lifted into the air, wings buzzing. Bumblebee did the same.

"Let's go." Cricket nodded, flying away with a wave at the Pyrrhian dragons. Bumblebee grumbled to herself that they should get a little bit of a break after flying here, but didn't say anything out loud.

Bumblebee's wings were sore by the time they even saw the misty mountain.

Dragon shapes chased around the large mountain. Openings in the front of the mountain looked tiny.

Bumblebee looked at Cricket. "What if I'm not ready?" Bumblebee asked.

"Do you know what you've lived through?" Cricket asked, eyes wide. "A tyrant for a queen! A plant taking over Pantala! That makes a strong dragonet, if I've ever seen one."

Bumblebee's heart soared. Cricket always knew what to say.

"Thanks. I feel a lot better." Bumblebee smiled at Cricket, who smiled back and fixed her glasses.

"Ready now?" Cricket asked. Bumblebee took a deep breath, and nodded.

Cricket flew away with a last glance at Bumblebee.

Bumblebee faced the mountain. "Bye, Cricket. You were a better mother to me than anyone I ever knew."

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