🦋 Chapter 27 - Dusky 🦋

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Dusky was stricken with confusion and heartbreak.

How could she leave me? How could she? But she's back now...so it shouldn't be that big a deal, yeah? Yeah. But she left me!


"Dusky!" Auklet's shriek broke his train of never ending thoughts as Dusky was snapped back to reality. She flung herself at him in a big hug.

"You look-" Auklet started, then paused, staring at his wings with awe. "Amazing."

"And you look..." Dusky stopped. She had always looked amazing. "The same as before."

"I'm so, so, so sorry I left! It was selfish and stupid and my mother is just so hard to deal with, and I-" Auklet rambled on, pausing when Dusky stared into her eyes.

"I don't care. You're here now, isn't that what matters?"

"I guess, yeah." Auklet whispered back, as they embraced in a hug.

"Auklet's back!" Another voice, Peacemaker, called out. More talonsteps pattered as Cliff joined and the two walked forwards, their tails intertwined.

"You missed a ton," Cliff began. Peacemaker held back a snort. "Wanna have a sleepover to make up for it?"


Dusky settled in his pile of leaves as Auklet said hi to most of her Winglet.

Except for Mink.

Dusky shrugged off the negative thought. Auklet was back, and that meant that everything was good again.

"So," Auklet began, breaking the silence.

Bumblebee turned to Cliff, who turned to face Peacemaker, who turned to face Auklet. "You missed a ton of stuff."

"Like what? Details, details!" She squeaked. "I want to know everything!"

"Well..." Cliff turned to Peacemaker and the two rubbed snouts, intertwining tails. "Peacemaker and I have become...a thing."

Auklet jumped in squealed for joy. "Ah! I'm so happy for both of you! This is gonna be great!"

"Bumblebee is staying with us for a bit, just so she isn't alone with no one else in her cave." Cliff explained. "That's why all her stuff is here."


"Wait, where's Mink?" Auklet interrupted, her eyes wide. "Is she late? Did she move caves?"

"She's-" Peacemaker started. A cry of pain and a whimper came from Bumblebee, who buried her head into her pillow made of leaves.

"She's missing." Cliff explained, dipping his head solemnly.

"Missing?" Auklet seemed shellshocked. "That can't be true, she must be somewhere!"

"But-" Dusky tried to say something, but couldn't find the words. "She just is, Auklet. Everyone's been searching for her and that SandWing, Jackal."

Auklet blinked. "Maybe this wasnt the best idea, coming back. Is it really safe?"

"I don't know." Dusky told her honestly. "But we'll protect each other, right?"

The others muttered agreement and slowly went to bed one by one.

Auklet's back. I can sleep peacefully. Auklet's back.

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