🦋 Chapter 10 - Dusky 🦋

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"What about the Dragons of Destiny?" Dusky asked. Auklet snickered.

The two had been studying and Auklet had taught him a lot about Pyrrhia. They had studied for most of the day.

"Dragonets of Destiny." She corrected. Dusky ducked his head, embarrassed.

"Sorry. It's hard to keep up with all this info at once." Dusky's antennae flicked back and forth.

He had been feeling pretty tired most of the time recently. During class, at lunch, everywhere.

Auklet waved her talon infront of Dusky's face. "Hey, Pyrrhia to Dusky! We have to study more!"

Dusky cleared his head by shaking it. "Sorry." He apologized again. "I'm really tired."

"You can't be that tired. It's still morning!" Auklet looked at him, her voice edged with the slightest bit of concern.

"Maybe I caught a cold or something." Dusky murmured. Auklet looked more concerned.

"Maybe you should go talk with the teachers. Let's go talk with the nurses-"

Dusky nodded. He stood shakily, and Auklet darted forwards to catch Dusky as he tipped to one side.

Auklet's wing wrapped around Dusky's back as the two made their way through the hallway.

Peacemaker stuck his head out of his cave, and Dusky barely heard him ask if everything was alright.

His head was fuzzy and his wingbuds were stinging a little.

Auklet seemed to dismiss Peacemaker. "Everything's alright. Dusky caught something and we're going to the nurses."

Hushed voices spoke around Dusky and Auklet as they kept walking slowly to the nurse cave.

"Bullfrog? Pineapple?" Auklet asked. Those were the names of the nurses at Jade Mountain. Dusky knew from Peacemaker, sho had talked with him about how Pineapple and Bullfrog had wanted to stay at the school.

A yellow, blue and pink RainWing head poked out of a cave. "What's wrong?" Pineapple asked.

"Dusky, the SilkWing, he's really tired and he looks sick." Auklet said, wings fluttering. Dusky was still leaning on her shoulder.

"Oh my," Pineapple ushered the two into the cave, and Dusky felt himself being layed onto a stone ledge.

He had started feeling a bit better, but his vision was still fuzzy.

Pineapple called Bullfrog over, and the older RainWing bounded over to Dusky. He looked at him, then grabbed his talons.

"They glow a faint white." Bullfrog observed.

"Is that bad?" Auklet worried.

"No. Luna told me that this is the first couple signs of metamorphosis." Pineapple butted in. "Just take him back to your cave and let him rest."

Auklet nodded, her emerald-green eyes wide. Dusky's vision cleared as she leaned him on her shoulder again.

"I'm fine, seriously. It's just a bug. Not my metamorphosis." Dusky tried to assure Auklet as they made their way back to the Jade Winglet caves.

"Nope. Not on my watch. You're going back to your cave and sleeping." Auklet growled.

Dusky gave up. "If it is my metamorphosis, let the others know. Please. And Luna." He told Auklet.

"I will." Auklet rounded the corner with Dusky, and his cave came into view. His Clawmate, Mink, was poking her head out of the entrance with a worried look.

Bumblebee was inside the cave, looking half-worried and half-confused.

"What happened?" Mink wondered. Dusky settled into his mossy bed.

"Nothing. Just tired." He mumbled, slipping into sleep.

If this is my metamorphosis, Luna, please be here on time.

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