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I walked all the way up to the front, until I reached the cab. I knocked on the door in a pattern Remus had taught me. I heard shuffling of feet before the door slid open. An elderly man with long grey hair, that reached his shoulders and a short salt and pepper beard, appeared in front of me. I glanced behind me and when I saw we were alone, I lowered my hood.

"Alexandra." The man beamed at me.

"Hi, Oscar." My face matched his. "Can I sit with you?"

"Of course, dear. Step on in." He stepped aside and when I had entered the cab, closed the door behind me. "Come, sit next to me."

"Thank you, Oscar." I took off my robe and sat on the chair next to him. "Remus told me where to find you."

"Is he with you?"

"Yes, he's sleeping right now. He hasn't been sleeping much the past few days."

Oscar nodded in understanding. Oscar had been driving the train for about forty years now. Remus had met him on the train in his first year as he stumbled into his cab. And we stayed in touch since. Oscar doesn't come out of his cab, so he doesn't meet any of the students. His wife, Mary, was the lady who walked through the train with her trolley filled with candies and such. I met Oscar and Mary when I was about five years old. Through a special connection of their floo, we were able to come to each other's houses in minutes, which we used at least once a month, while Remus transformed. They have been a great help over the years, for me and for Remus. They of course, knew of Remus his condition and were glad to help out with the young girl that had been left in his care. But the last two years we had seen less of them I mused as I looked at the elder man. They didn't need to watch me every month as I grew older and especially after...

My thoughts were interrupted when Oscar asked me something.

"Nervous for school?"

"A little." I shrugged. "Healthy nervous, I'd say."

"That's good." He smiled. "But you're always one that could handle these situations with grace."

"Oscar." I said a little bashful.

"No, I mean it. That's just who you are, and you have a way to charm the pants of everyone you meet."

"Hm." I hummed with a frown. "Moony says I look after my da- after Sirius on that front."

Oscar placed his hand on my shoulder with a sad smile. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to -"

"I know, it's okay." I inhaled sharply.

"You know Hogwarts has different robes, right?" He chuckled as he pointed at my blue robes. And I was happy that he redirected the conversation.

"Yeah, but Dumbledore -" I started to explain. The train ride went smoothly as we talked about my transition to another school, another country. We talked about his kids and grandkids and their plans for the rest of the year.

I enjoyed the scenery in front of me. The mountains, the forests, the blue skies. When the sky suddenly turned grey and dark, the rain started to fall heavily, I subconsciously reached for my wand in my boot. My eyes searched the sky worried. When I saw a hooded figure float in front of the train, my eyes widened, and Oscar reacted fiercely as he stood on the break. The train stopped with a loud screeching sound and the cab turned cold. I glanced over to Oscar, who had his wand in his hand.

"Dementors." We both whispered. Before we could say another word, the train jostled.

"They're on the train." I gripped my wand tightly, as I saw my breath appear in front of me.

"No, stay here." Oscar took a firm grip on my arm as I went to stand up after a few minutes. "I'll go."

"No, Os-" I started but was cut off when the cab door flew open and a dementor appeared in front of us.

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