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When Remus and I passed the great hall, it was filled to the brim. The Halloween decorations were brilliant. Large pumpkins were placed around the floor, while tiny ones filled the tables. I saw the twins, Lee, Angelina and Alicia laughing at something, and I smiled as I saw that Alicia found her way back to her friends when I was not there. They must have felt my stare, because suddenly the twins turned. They waved at me, looking a bit sad that I didn't join them. I waved back before Remus and I walked away. They weren't happy that I didn't join them for the Halloween feast, but once I explained that Remus and I had a tradition, they reluctantly agreed. The corridors were now empty as everyone was sitting early in the great hall to enjoy the feast.

Still, I changed into Loki, and Moony put on the concealment charm as we walked the grounds. If I was in human form, I wouldn't be able to see him, but with my wolf senses, I could hear every crack of a twig he made or smelled him with ease, so I could always locate him in a heartbeat. Once we arrived at the Whooping Willow, I trotted down to the tree trunk and pushed my nose against it, so Moony could walk in safely.

Moony slid down in front of me in the dark, muddy tunnel, and just when I was about to follow, my eyes spotted the ginger cat again. Now I knew it was Hermione's cat. I heard Ron complain endlessly about the cat at the Gryffindor table, but I couldn't see how that was Hermione's fault. A cat is cat, they hunt things like rats and mice. I saw the cat trot towards the edge of the forest. I poked my wolf head around the tree to have a better look.

The cat was peering at the dark trees of the forest, it was just when I saw a large dark shadow move in front of the cat, my uncle called for me. I looked down for a second, by the time I looked back up the cat and the shadow were gone. I looked around me, spinning around my axis, when I didn't find anything, I perked up my ears, but nothing.

"What's wrong, cub?" Moony re-emerged from the hole. He frowned when he saw me concentrate on my surroundings. He tensed as he looked carefully around the grounds.

"I - I thought I saw something." My eyes on the edge of the forest where the cat had been. I shook my white furry head. "Never mind, let's go in."

It was a few hours later that a Patronus appeared in front of me and let's just say Scotty. We both looked up at Phoenix between us who was floating above our game of Monopoly. The Phoenix opened its beak, and the voice of Professor Dumbledore filled the room.

"There has been a sighting of Sirius Black in the castle. Stay where you are, the Dementors will do a thorough search around the castle, take your precautions. Everyone is safe and accounted for. I'll inform you both in the morning. Fawkes will come over to see if you both are okay. Stay safe." And the Phoenix disappears.

I looked down from where the Patronus had disappeared and saw the werewolf in front of me breathe heavily. I stretched my four paws before I toddled over and curled into the Scotty/Moony's lap. His breathing slowed down as his rough hands gently stroked my back to ease his tension. I knew it was Moony that reacted that way, frustrated about Sirius, afraid for Harry... I knew I couldn't leave his side for the rest of the night, so I made myself comfortable on his lap, resting my head on his knee.

The Gryffindors trickled back in the great hall. Gone were all the decorations, gone were all the tables. The floor was now filled with sleeping bags. Just as the Gryffindors came in, the other houses, all walked in looking confused. George and Fred were franticly looking around the students, trying to spot one stormy, grey-eyed girl with dark wavy hair, but no luck.

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