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Draco hadn't spoken up at Buckbeak's trial. He had tried to reason with his father again, but that evil git Lucius had smacked him on the jaw with his cane, leaving a large bruise. I was surprised it wasn't broken with how it looked. The Hippogriff was sentenced to death. I was walking out as Loki, trying to search for Scabbers when I heard Draco laugh. Oh no! That's his pretentious and evil laugh. I thought to myself, and when I rounded the large stones on the field, I saw him standing with Crabbe and Goyle. Damn it! I thought he had cut lose from them.

" Look at him blubber!" Draco's taunted, his dumb bodyguards snickered. "Have you ever seen something so pathetic!"

From my position I saw Hermione walk towards Draco, her eyes glaring at my cousin and then. SMACK! She had punched him on the nose, hard! My mouth dropped open, but then I closed it again. He had it coming. I knew Draco was being questioned by his fellow Slytherins due to him studying with Potter in the library. The Slytherins didn't care that I was there too, just Harry. They only saw Harry. Two rivals sitting together amicably. And I knew he was going to try to save his reputation. I saw the three Slytherins run away, and I heard Hermione say.

"That felt good."

Ron and Harry came into view as they stepped up next to Hermione. Harry checked on her hand before his gaze flickered to me. Harry opened his mouth to say something to Ron and Hermione, and he turned to them for a second. By the time he looked back, I was already gone. Harry tried to spot me in the grass but no such luck. Ron and Hermione looked from each other to Harry curiously.

"Let's get to class." He shook his head, and the three walked back inside the castle.

The easter holidays weren't for relaxing. It was hours and hours of studying. I tried to divide my time between the Gryffindor common room, the Slytherin common room, or neutral ground like the library. Safe to say, Harry and Draco had not studied together since that fateful day. The night that Hermione had punched Draco, I walked in the common room with Emmett and sat down next to Draco with a smirk worthy of a Slytherin.

"You're getting too good at that." Draco said, pointing at my smirk. I shrugged as I looked at the two bruises on his face. "I presume you know what happened? Weasley babbled, didn't he?"

"I wouldn't know. I had front row seats, actually." I bit the inside of my cheek to stop the laughter that bubbled up. "You deserved this one, you know." I said pointing to his nose.

"I know." He sighed, leaning back against the couch as he closed his eyes.

"I have bruise paste. I can take care of your jaw, but I don't think you deserve it for your nose."

"I'm sorry, okay." He groaned.

"Are you really?" I asked, and Draco lifted his head to look at me. He looked around and saw that we were alone. Emmett was getting his books from his dorm.

"I am. It's just with my father, and the gossip about studying in close proximity to Potter."

"I know. But you shouldn't care what people say about who you hang out with. Your father." I sighed. "That's a different story, but you shouldn't stoop to his level." I grabbed the bruising paste from my bag and handed it over just as Emmett appeared back in the common room.

"Thank you." Draco gave a small but honest smile.

It was the end of easter break and I was sitting in the tower late that night. Hermione was sitting to my right at a table filled with books. I patted the twins' legs, who were situated on either side of me and walked towards the younger girl.

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