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We had talked for a few hours that night before Remus insisted we stay the night since it was Saturday, and we didn't have any classes. Remus promised we would talk more strategies in the morning.

"So, you and Jack... you're being safe?" Remus asked, pulling me to the side as Harry and Sirius cleaned up the cups. And I nearly laughed with how uncomfortable he looked. His eyes glued to my shoulder instead of me.

"Yes, Moony. We're being safe. What about you?"

"Me?" He turned red. "I haven't - we didn't - there is nothing going on."

"Uncle Moony." I put my hand on his arm, making him look at me. He didn't look flustered or shy, he looked deflated and sad.

"It's nothing." He offered me a small smile. "Besides you have enough on your plate already."

I sighed when I saw his determination. "Fine, but we'll talk about this later, okay?"

"Sure, now off to bed, cub." He kissed the top of my head.

"Uhm." Sirius cleared his throat "Can I have a quick word with Alec?"

Remus turned back to me with a questioning look. I nodded with half a smile. He squeezed my shoulder before walking up the stairs behind Harry. I took in a deep breath and turned to Sirius.


"I'm sorry about last time. I should have never forbidden you to enter, I'm just afraid of losing you, again. I just found you and even though I don't know you, I want to, and I don't want to lose you."

Wow, that wasn't what I was expecting. "Oh." I whispered.

"I know I've gone wrong about the whole situation, and I know I can't change the past, even though I want to, so badly. I'm just asking for a chance here, Alec. A real chance. You're the only family I have left, and I don't want to lose any more."

It was everything I wanted to hear, and everything I didn't. The whole Sirius Black situation is not good for my head. "I think -" I waited for a moment and Sirius's hopeful eyes, turned into panic. "I think I can try. But baby steps."

"Baby steps." He nodded. "I can work with that." A smile spread across his face. "Thank you."

I wanted to say that I was doing it for Moony and Harry but that is only half the truth. "I should get some sleep. Do you have any blankets for the couch?"

"You're not sleeping on the couch. I told you I have a room for you." He said already guiding me upstairs. "It's not much, I wanted you to have the opportunity to make it your own. So, just the basics." He said pushing open the door next to Moony's room.

It had creme coloured walls, a large window on the side. A desk, a bed and a closet. Like he said the basics but still. On the nightstand next to my bed were a couple of pictures. One with me and Remus, one with my mum when I was just a baby. Then pictures with Harry, the twins, Aunt Cissy and Draco from at school or during break. It was a small gesture, but it made me smile.

"You like it? Moony helped me with the pictures."

"It's great. Thank you, Sirius."

"It was nothing." He waved it off, already stepping back out the room. "Goodnight, Alec."

The next morning, we woke up early to try to figure out what exactly we needed to do with the dragons. Harry and I sat on one side of the couch, while Remus and Sirius sat across from us.

"Fighting a dragon will be hard, they are nearly impossible to kill, especially alone." Sirius said.

"We're not fighting them." I shook my head. "You've met Charlie Weasley, right? He rescues dragons, he would never be here if we needed to kill them. No, they will probably be used to protect or guard something or someone."

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