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Once we were free to go from the room, I dragged Harry into the first alcove we passed. "You stay here, I'll get the cloak."


I already changed into Loki in front of him, I looked up to him. "Can you put a disillusionment charm on me?"

Harry took his wand out of his pocket and waved it over me. "How are you going to get into the tower?"

"I have my ways." I winked at him with my wolf eyes. "I'll be right back." And darted out of the alcove.

Within a few minutes, I had reached the portrait of the fat lady. "Who's there?" She asked, squinting her eyes as she glanced around the staircases.

"Poppy seeds."

She looked around the hallway frowning, but when she couldn't spot anyone, she reluctantly opened the portrait. The common room was filled with students all talking over each other. They all glanced to the portrait waiting for me or Harry. Most of them looked confused at the portrait, while the twins looked thoughtful.

"Harry?" I heard Hermione whisper. She must think he had his invisibility cloak. I darted passed her and walked up to the girls' dorm to grab my backpack I used as Loki. Then hopped over to the boy's dorm. I pushed open the door of the fourth-year dorm and saw that Ron's curtains had been drawn close. I quietly trotted over to Harry's trunk and nudged it open with my nose. A few seconds later, I had the cloak in my mouth. I froze when I heard movement behind Ron's curtains. But after a few seconds it stilled. I placed the cloak in my bag and headed back down in the overcrowded common room. I saw the twins sitting near the window whispering. I grinned to myself as I walked closer.

"That's our girl." George smiled dopey.

"Yeah." Fred said, his eyes unfocussed. I walked over as slid between their legs, they both shuddered.

"Did you feel that?"

"I did, what was that?" They looked at each other. George shrugged, rubbing the goose bumps on his arms. Then Fred suddenly said. "What about Petra? The Ravenclaw with the endless legs."

A spur of jealously shot through me, and as I needed a distraction to slip out of the common room, I muttered a spell, breaking the back leg of Fred's chair, making him topple back. As the students all turned to the noise, I slipped out of the common room unnoticed.

When I changed back into human form, I tossed Harry the cloak. He threw it over his shoulders and held it open for me to climb underneath. I smiled before stepping under, I wrapped my arm around his waist, tugging us close.

"Alright, let's go." I whispered. Harry didn't ask where we were going as we walked through the castle. He only asked when we entered the Honey dukes' passageway.

"We're going out of the castle?" He whispered.

"You don't have to whisper, Harry." I chuckled. "But yeah. I'm taking you to Sirius."

"We're not allowed off the grounds."

"I thought you were a rule breaker." I snickered.

"Not on purpose." He huffed and I laughed.

"Nobody will know." I waved him off. "We'll floo from the Three Broomsticks."

The Three Broomsticks was filled with witches and wizards, which made it easier for us to mingle. We quickly made our way to the floo before disappearing in green flames. The house was dark, and I saw Moony and Sirius sleeping on the couch against each other. Harry looked surprised at this, his eyes widening. He pointed at them as he looked from them to me. I rolled my eyes with a smile before clearing my throat. Remus had jumped up from the couch, in a fighting stance with his wand pointed forwards, Sirius on the other hand, had rolled off the couch from Remus's movements and grunted.

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