My forgetful siblings?

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Rohan's birthday was a success. The smile his siblings longed to see on his tired face, was finally seen and for them, it was worth it.

Now, Samarth was busy thinking what will be in the bag for him, as his birthday was just a couple of days away.

Unknown to him, his siblings planned to annoy him this time, because it's always him annoying them, and it's very much. Very very much.

On 18th January, at the dinner table when Samarth expected his siblings to discuss about his birthday, Rohan said "Anu and Sam I've gotta leave tomorrow morning early, due to some business related work, I'll be back by 20th night."

"Alright, bhaiya, anyways it's my maths pre board exam tomorrow, I'll wake up early and make the breakfast, you're not leaving without breakfast. Got it?" Ananya said, sterning her voice at the last part.

"Fine baba I'll not, or rather you'll not let me." Rohan replied chuckling.

Samarth's face fell listening to this conversation, because hell it was his birthday, and they've got exams and business to handle? So unfair!

"Okay bhaiya and Choti, I'll go and study exams are nearing." he said in a low voice and left the table.

Rohan and Ananya hi-fied after Samarth left, the first part of their plan was successful.

For the second part, Ananya made a phone call.

"Hello Ayesha didu, you remember na you've to keep bhai busy tomorrow till 8-9 pm? Call Ishaani bha.. didi too some distraction will be there." she whispered the last part, Sam bhai's secret cannot be leaked.

"Done bacha! I've asked Ishaani already. She's ready to help. Don't try to call her bhabhi right now, your bhai is like a scared chicken in front of her." Ayesha said laughing.

"I'm trying to tell him not to, anyways we'll talk about this when you're home or bhaiya will hear and Sam bhai's birthday will be a proper one. Thank you didu." Ananya said laughing.

"You'll now say thank you to your didu?" Ayesha said in a black mailiong tone.

"Don't start again na didu. Anyways good night I've gotta study for my exam, I love you." Ananya said.

"Sure bacha. Good night, and all the best. I love you too." Ayesha said and hanged up the call.

Ananya went to Rohan's room to tell him that second part is a success.

"Bhaiya I called Ayesha didu and she'll manage it tomorrow. And can I ask you one more thing?" Ananya said.

"Well done Anu. And yes you can sleep here." Rohan said knowing what Ananya was going to ask.

Ananya shook her head on how can her brothers can almost understand everything without her saying anything to them. Maybe that's why brothers are the greatest blessing.

Samarth came to check on Ananya, because sometimes she does not sleep unless she's forced to, or she automatically comes to him but today she didn't. Much to his surprise, she wasn't in her room. He went to Rohan's room to ask where she is where he found her sleeping peacefully and bhaiya reading a book and patting her head.

Okay he wasn't meant to be jealous, but why she didn't come to him? She always comes to him when she can't sleep.

He, half angry, half sad, went to his room murmuring something about mean siblings and slept off.

The next morning when he woke up to Ananya's call, bhaiya was leaving. He bid him good bye not to so happily and went to take a bath.

When he came out of the bath, he saw Ananya settling his closet which looked flooded.

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