the storm

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As the days passed and the pressure of mid-semester exams loomed, Khwahish couldn't shake off the overwhelming feeling in her heart. The realization that she was in love with Armaan had taken root, and it had grown into something undeniable. Every moment she spent with him felt like magic, and she couldn't wait to share her feelings with him.

But with exams on the horizon, Khwahish knew it wasn't the right time to burden him with her emotions. She wanted to wait for the perfect moment, a time when they could be free of academic stress and fully immerse themselves in the beauty of their feelings.





the last exam ended, and the burden of academic responsibilities lifted from Khwahish's shoulders. She felt a surge of relief and excitement, knowing that the time had come to confess her feelings to Armaan.

As the days passed, Khwahish couldn't shake off the feeling of unease in her heart. She had heard from a friend that Armaan had a big fight with the batchmate who had made her uncomfortable at the prom night. She was worried about him and wanted to talk to him, but every time she tried to call him, his phone was unreachable.

Khwahish: (to herself) Why isn't he picking up his phone? Is he okay?

Her mind was filled with worry and concern for Armaan. She couldn't help but replay the events of the prom night in her head, and she felt guilty for not noticing the brewing tension between Armaan and that batchmate earlier.

Unable to contain her anxiety any longer, Khwahish decided to visit Armaan's hostel. She hoped that he was there and that she could finally talk to him about the fight and assure him of her support.

Khwahish stepped into the college campus, her heart beating with anticipation. She had been waiting for this moment to talk to Armaan about her feelings for him. She couldn't ignore the strong connection between them, and she was determined to find out what was going on with him after their last encounter.

As she walked through the college corridors, she finally caught sight of Armaan standing by the staircase. His expression was distant and cold, a far cry from the warm and caring friend she knew him to be. Khwahish hesitated for a moment, wondering if she should approach him now or wait for a better time. But her heart urged her to speak to him, to clear the air between them.

Taking a deep breath, she mustered the courage and walked towards him.

Khwahish: (softly) Armaan, I want to talk to you about something.

Armaan glanced at her, his eyes devoid of the usual warmth. He seemed distant, as if putting up a barrier between them.

Armaan: (indifferent) I'm not interested, Khwahish. You can go.

Khwahish: (insistent) No, it's urgent. Please, just give me a few minutes.

Armaan's frustration seemed to rise as he snapped at her.

Armaan: (shouting) Just shut up, Khwahish! I don't want to talk to you or anyone right now.

His outburst surprised Khwahish, and she felt a pang of hurt at his harsh words. She had never seen him like this before, and she couldn't understand what had caused him to change so drastically.

But she refused to give up on him. She knew that something was bothering him, something that he was keeping to himself. She had to find a way to break through the walls he had built around his heart.

Khwahish: (calmly) Armaan, I know you're going through something difficult, and I want to be there for you. Please, just talk to me.

Armaan: what you want to talk hn ??, you fucked up my whole career you know.

Khwahish stood there, her heart pounding in her chest as she looked into Armaan's eyes, searching for any sign of the person she thought she knew. But all she saw was a void expression, as if he had shut himself off from her completely.

Armaan: (coldly) You thought something could happen between us? You must be mistaken, Khwahish. I have no interest in you whatsoever. You're just a junior who thought she could use my name for her benefits.

His words felt like a stab to her heart. How could he say such hurtful things after everything they had shared? She tried to hold back her tears, refusing to let him see how much his words affected her.

Khwahish: (trying to keep her voice steady) Armaan, that's not true. I never wanted to use your name for any benefits. I care about you, and I thought we had a genuine connection.

Armaan(smirk): you used ridanshi for you benefits what you want to be in my arms or in my bed.....

khwahish slapped him

Khwahish's tears continued to flow, but her eyes blazed with a newfound fire. She refused to let Armaan see her vulnerability again.

Khwahish: (angry and hurt) How could you, Armaan? I trusted you, and you threw that trust away like it meant nothing to you.

Armaan: (sarcastic laugh) Special? You're nothing but a naive little girl who thinks she can manipulate people to get what she wants.

Khwahish felt a sharp pain in her heart at his harsh words. She had never imagined that Armaan could be so cruel and heartless.

Armaam: you know what i can't leave my sister with you ..who knows you'll make my sister like you.

Khwahish: you know what i hate you ....i hate you 

she goes from there while saina saw her running.

Saina followed the sound of running water and the soft sobs that echoed within the college washroom. Pushing the door open, she found Khwahish standing under the shower, fully clothed, with tears streaming down her face.

Saina: (worriedly) Khwahish, what are you doing?

Khwahish turned to look at her friend, her eyes red and puffy from crying. The pain and frustration were evident in her expression.

Khwahish: (voice trembling) I hate him, Saina. I hate how he misunderstood me, how he accused me of using him and Ridanshi. I thought we were friends, but he won't even listen to me.

Saina's heart sank as she saw the raw emotions pouring out of Khwahish. She quickly closed the shower, wrapping her friend in a towel.

Just then, Ridaanshi rushed into the washroom, her eyes filled with tears.

Ridaanshi: "Khwahish, I have something to tell you. I'm getting transferred to Rajasthan, and I don't even know the reason why!"

Upon seeing Khwahish's distressed state, Ridaanshi stopped mid-sentence, her curiosity giving way to concern. Saina quickly stepped in and explained everything that had transpired with Armaan and the unfortunate misunderstanding.

Ridaanshi's eyes widened with shock and worry as she listened to the story. She couldn't believe that such a misunderstanding had driven a wedge between her best friend and Armaan. Feeling a sense of responsibility, she embraced Khwahish tightly.

Ridaanshi(crying): why he's doing this..why . first with you then with me ..whyyy, i don't know what to say.

Heyy guys I hope you liked today's update , plzzzz support my book I'm a beginner in this field so plz tell my mistake of had done something wrong in any part of this book .

I'm eagerly waiting for your comments and votes and do suggest me if there's a need to editing....

Have a great day ahead

Be positive and spread love 

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