Epilogue: A New Beginning

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Armaan's pov:-

It had been five years since Khwahish and I had embarked on this incredible journey together. Life had its ups and downs, but every moment spent with her was a treasure. Our love had grown stronger with each passing day, and I couldn't have been happier.

As I sat in my office, wrapping up my work for the day, I received two missed calls, both from Ridaansh and Jai Bhai. My heart skipped a beat. Their calls usually didn't go unanswered. I dialed my mother's number, and she picked up with a panicked voice.

"Armaan, Khwahish's water broke," she said urgently.

My world stopped for a moment. Without a second thought, I grabbed my car keys and rushed to the hospital. Arriving there, I learned that Khwahish was in labor, and her cries of pain pierced through my heart. My father and Jai Bhai were there to provide support and assurance.

For two agonizing hours, we waited anxiously. The hospital corridor echoed with Khwahish's screams. My eyes welled up with tears, a mix of fear and anticipation. And then, like a miracle, we heard the sweet sound of a baby crying.

Tears streamed down my face as I realized that I had become a father, and our little bundle of joy had arrived, bringing new hope and happiness to our lives. Khwahish, the love of my life, was now a mother, and our family was complete.

The doctor emerged from the delivery room with a warm smile, bringing news that filled the room with tears of joy. "It's a girl!" he announced. Everyone in the room had tears in their eyes as they realized that a long-cherished wish had come true.

I couldn't contain my excitement. I rushed into the room where Khwahish, my beloved wife, lay on the bed, her face adorned with a faint but contented smile, and her eyes glistening with tears of happiness.

 I couldn't help but kiss her forehead gently, overwhelmed with gratitude and love.

"Thank you," I whispered, my voice filled with emotion. Our baby girl had arrived, a precious addition to our family, and our hearts were overflowing with love and joy. Khwahish simply smiled, understanding the depth of my feelings, and I nodded back at her with a smile that mirrored the happiness in our hearts.

Author pov;-

Armaan held the tiny, fragile form securely in his arms, cradling his newborn daughter with utmost tenderness. As he looked down at her, the overwhelming rush of emotions threatened to spill over. The soft, pink skin of the baby pressed against his own, and the sensation was indescribable. 

This was a moment he couldn't have anticipated, a depth of love he never knew he could feel after Khwahish, and yet, here was this precious life, his heart, his life, his wish incarnate.

He marveled at the perfection of this little being, her eyes closed in peaceful slumber, her fingers curled into tiny fists. He gently brushed her cheek with his fingertip, and she stirred slightly, making his heart swell with adoration.The room filled with an aura of joy and excitement as Armaan's family gathered around. The sight of the little miracle in Armaan's arms brought tears to their eyes. Ridaansh, always curious and spirited, couldn't help but voice the question on everyone's mind, "What's her name, Bhai?"

Armaan's gaze shifted to Khwahish, who looked at him with eyes filled with affection and approval. She nodded and beamed a radiant smile. In a hushed voice filled with awe and devotion, Armaan whispered, "Chaahat."

Chaahat, a name that meant 'wish' in Hindi, held a profound significance. It symbolized not only the heartfelt desire that had united Armaan and Khwahish but also the boundless love that now embraced their lives. She was not just anyone's wish; she was Armaan's wish—a wish that had come true.

As the nurse arrived to take little Chahat for her tests, the room began to empty, leaving Armaan and Khwahish in a precious moment of intimacy. Armaan gently settled into a chair beside Khwahish, his eyes brimming with adoration as he watched her with unwavering devotion.

Khwahish, her eyes still filled with the glow of the incredible experience they had just shared, couldn't help but tease him, "So, am I now second in your affections, Armaan?"

He responded with a tender smile, his voice warm with love, "You've never been on a list, Khwahish. You have my heart entirely. No one else can ever take your place."

Her heart swelled with emotion at his words, and she couldn't help but smile in response. Their bond was unbreakable, their love stronger than ever. It was a moment of profound connection, where words were not needed, as their hearts spoke the language of love that only they could understand.

In the quiet hospital room, Khwahish's voice trembled with love and emotion as she whispered to Armaan, "I love you, Chaahat's papa, aka my senior."

Armaan's eyes softened, and he replied with equal tenderness, "Not more than Chaahat's mumma, aka my junior."

A shared chuckle passed between them, a beautiful moment of intimacy that reaffirmed the depth of their love. Their journey had been one of twists and turns, from college days to marriage and now parenthood, but through it all, their love had remained unwavering. They had tried to hide their feelings at first, but their eyes had always betrayed the truth,  remember eye's don't lie .

Now, here they were, sitting together as parents to the precious bundle of love, Chaahat, a testament to their enduring love story.

Their story had come full circle, and they knew that their love would continue to grow stronger with each passing day, forever intertwined and forever theirs.

finally guys it's the end of a book ......we'll meet in our second book of aks and saina in "love the way you lie"

till then byy byy ..

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