confusion annd only confusion

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Khwahish pov:-

As the first rays of sunlight filtered through my window, I slowly stirred from my slumber, my senses gradually awakening to the world around me. The memories of yesterday flooded my mind like a rush of sweet melodies, bringing an automatic smile to my lips. 

The confession, the shared moments, and the tender kiss – they all played before me like scenes from a cherished dream.

But as I glanced at the clock, my smile quickly turned into a gasp of panic. It was already 10 in the morning! The realization hit me like a jolt of lightning. The pooja was scheduled to begin, and I was late. How could I let time slip away like this?

Without a second thought, I leaped out of my bed, the urgency propelling me into action. My morning routine became a blur of activity – splashing water on my face,  brushing my teeth, and after shower  hastily putting on a yellow anarkali suit.
My damp hair clung to my shoulders, but there was no time for perfection. I had to make it to the hall before the pooja began.

I rushed down the corridors, the echo of my footsteps a testament to my haste. The scent of incense wafted through the air, and my heart pounded in rhythm with each step. As I entered the hall, I was greeted by the sight of everyone gathered for the pooja.

 Panic threatened to overwhelm me, but I quickly took a deep breath, trying to regain my composure.

Saina, my confidante, caught my eye and discreetly gestured for me to join her. I made my way to her side, my dupatta draped over my head like a veil.

She stood there, a reassuring presence amidst the ceremonial atmosphere. And then, as if guided by fate, my gaze drifted to him – the man who held the key to my heart.

Armaan, dressed in a light yellow kurta with his sleeves folded, had his eyes closed in devotion. He looked serene, as if lost in a world of his own amidst the sacred ambiance of the pooja. Seeing him in this moment, a wave of affection and admiration washed over me. The reality of his love and our shared emotions filled me with warmth.

But Saina's whisper brought me back to the present, breaking my reverie. Her words were a reminder that this was not the time to get lost in my thoughts. "Khwahish, he's yours," she whispered, her voice laced with encouragement. "Focus on him after the pooja."

With a renewed determination, I shifted my focus to the rituals, joining my family in the prayers and offerings. The incense, the chants, and the collective devotion created an atmosphere of tranquility. And as the pooja unfolded, my heart found solace in the belief that our love was being blessed by the divine.

Amidst the rituals, I couldn't help but steal glances at Armaan, his closed eyes and serene expression captivating my attention.
The significance of this moment wasn't lost on me – the connection between our love and the spiritual devotion being expressed around us.

As the last strains of the mantras filled the air, I closed my eyes in gratitude. 

The scent of the havan still lingered in the air, its calming essence mingling with the morning breeze. The tranquility that settled after the ceremony provided a moment of respite for my racing mind.

Everyone had gathered outside in the lawn, where the soft sunlight filtered through the trees, casting a warm glow over the surroundings.

As Aunty moved around, distributing prasad to everyone, the fragrance of the sacred offerings seemed to wash away my worries momentarily. My hands moved automatically, assisting Aunty and Chachiji in their tasks, trying to find solace in the rituals that had always brought a sense of harmony to my soul.

But amidst the serenity, a few words reached my ears like an unexpected jolt – "selected a bride for Armaan." My heart skipped a beat, and a chill ran down my spine.
A rush of emotions – confusion, anger, and disbelief – swirled within me like a storm, threatening to shatter the peace that the havan had brought.

My eyes darted towards Saina, and her concerned gaze met mine. She understood the turmoil brewing within me, the dissonance between what I had heard and what my heart had believed. As the realization sunk in, my anger ignited like a wildfire, consuming the fragile calmness that had settled over me.

Without a second thought, I stood up, leaving behind the task at hand. My feet carried me towards the source of my turmoil, where Armaan stood chatting casually with Adwait bhai and Aks.

His nonchalant demeanor infuriated me further. How could he act so casually when my world had been thrown into chaos?

He turned to face me, his expression one of confusion. "How dare you?" My voice trembled with a mixture of anger and hurt. I couldn't hold back the torrent of emotions that surged within me.

"Ab kya kiya?" His voice held a tinge of confusion, his brow furrowed as he tried to make sense of my sudden outburst. But I was beyond reasoning, beyond caring about appearances.

I took a step closer, my anger turning into a blazing fire that consumed every rational thought. My fingers curled around the fabric of his collar, my grip firm and unyielding.

"You told me that you love me,"but you're marrying someone else ", I accused, my voice quivering with a mixture of accusation and vulnerability.

His confusion began to give way to comprehension, and Adwait bhai's attempt to intervene was cut short as Armaan raised his hand, signaling him to stop. His gaze met mine, and in that moment, I saw something flicker in his eyes – recognition, regret, and an understanding of the pain he had caused.

"Yes, I am marrying her." His words hit me like a sledgehammer, the weight of his admission crashing down on my heart. The tears I had been holding back finally spilled over, tracing a path down my cheeks.

I quickly wiped them away, my anger now mingling with heartache, a potent mixture that threatened to overwhelm me.

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And have a safe day ....take care❤️

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