Lost in the Moment

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Khwahish was engrossed in her work when Pia, her trusted PA, approached her with an exciting piece of news.

Pia: "Khwahish, I have some incredible news for you! We've landed one of the biggest deals we've ever had. It's with a renowned company, and they want us to create personalized thank-you gifts for every employee!"

Khwahish's eyes sparkled with delight as she absorbed the significance of the opportunity.

Khwahish: "That's fantastic, Pia! It's an honor to be entrusted with such an important task. The fact that the CEO wants to meet me personally to discuss the details shows how much they value our work."

Pia nodded, sharing in Khwahish's enthusiasm.

Pia: "Absolutely, Khwahish. This collaboration has the potential to elevate our dream house company to new heights. It's a testament to the reputation we've built and the creativity we bring to every project."

Khwahish's excitement grew, and she leaned in, eager to know more.

Khwahish: "When is the meeting scheduled, Pia? We need to make sure everything is well-prepared."

Pia's expression turned serious as she delivered the news.

Pia: "The CEO wants to meet today. They're on a tight schedule, and the event is just a month away. They emphasized the importance of time, and they can't afford any delays."

Khwahish nodded, understanding the urgency and the need for meticulous preparation.

Khwahish: "Alright, Pia, let's make it happen. Please schedule the meeting for 4 o'clock this evening. We need to ensure that every aspect of the meeting is flawless. Attention to detail is crucial."

Pia's determination mirrored Khwahish's as she responded.

Pia: "Absolutely, Khwahish. I'll coordinate with the team to ensure that everything is meticulously organized. From the meeting room setup to the samples of personalized gifts, we won't leave any room for error."

Khwahish felt a surge of confidence, knowing that she had a capable team supporting her vision.

Khwahish: "Thank you, Pia. Your dedication and attention to detail are invaluable. Together, we'll make sure this meeting leaves a lasting impression."

Armaan's pov:-

As I stepped into the premises of the company named "Dream House," an indescribable surge of emotions washed over me. The beautifully adorned interior, adorned with exquisite prints and captivating designs, immediately caught my attention. I couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration and intrigue.

Mentally, I expressed my gratitude to Shrey, who had recommended this company to me. It was clear that Dream House possessed a unique charm and an undeniable talent for creating stunning designs.

Just as I was taking in the surroundings, a young woman approached us, exuding confidence and warmth.

Woman (Pia): "Welcome to Dream House! I'm Pia, It's a pleasure to have you here. Please follow me to the meeting room."

We made our way to the meeting room, and as we settled down, I couldn't help but express my observations to Jay bhai and Shrey.

Armaan: "Guys, there's something special about this company. The attention to detail and the creativity in their designs are truly impressive. Pia seems to be a capable assistant, and it reflects in the ambiance of Dream House."

Jay bhai nodded, acknowledging my words.

Jay: "I've heard great things about Dream House, Armaan. They have been making waves in the industry with their innovative designs and personalized approach. It's no surprise that they caught your eye."

Shrey chimed in, his voice filled with excitement.

Shrey: "Absolutely, Armaan! I've had the pleasure of working with this team on a few projects. Their dedication, professionalism, and ability to bring visions to life are unparalleled. Dream House is truly a gem in the industry."

As we engaged in discussion, a woman entered the room, her voice instantly causing a jolt of surprise within me. I turned to look at her, and my heart skipped a beat. It was her—the woman who had once held a special place in my life. Time seemed to stand still as memories flooded back, enveloping me in a mix of emotions.

Woman (Khwahish): "Extremely sorry for my late arrival. I got caught up with some work.

Her words echoed in the room, and I couldn't help but notice that her hair is wet , uneven breathing. She wore a short kurti and had a scarf elegantly draped around her neck. In that moment, I realized that despite the passage of six years, she remained as beautiful as ever, her smile still captivating and familiar.

A whirlwind of emotions churned within me as I processed her presence. Seeing her again after all this time stirred up memories, both sweet and painful. It was as if time had stood still, and I was transported back to a different era, when our lives were intertwined.

The room fell into a momentary silence as I grappled with my emotions, unsure of how to react. I found myself captivated by her presence, the way she effortlessly commanded attention without even realizing it.

As our eyes locked, a whirlwind of emotions swept through the room. Khwahish's expression shifted from surprise to a mix of emotions that I couldn't quite decipher. Her eyes held a strange feelings, causing her to gulp nervously. The air around us grew thick with unspoken tension.

Breaking the silence, Jay bhai intervened, his voice steady and welcoming.

Jay: "Thank you, Khwahish, for joining us today. I'd like to introduce Armaan, the CEO of Safeheaven, a leading company in the security field. Armaan, meet Khwahish, the o of Dream House."

A hesitant smile graced Khwahish's lips, but she avoided meeting my gaze. It was evident that our past encounters had left an indelible mark on both of us, and the weight of unspoken words lingered in the room.

Khwahish: "Nice to meet you, Shall we begin the meeting?"

She proceeded to showcase slides, explaining the specialized designs she had prepared for our company's events. Yet, as she spoke, her words became a mere backdrop to the rush of emotions surging within me. I found myself captivated by her presence, unable to grasp the details she conveyed.

It was as if time had frozen, and I was transported back to a time when our paths were intertwined. The mere sight of her felt like the long-awaited taste of a dessert after years of longing. Unshed tears welled up in my eyes, a mixture of joy, regret, and an overwhelming flood of memories.

After the meeting concluded, I turned to Jay bhai, a silent plea in my eyes.

Armaan: "Jay bhai, please take care of the necessary paperwork and formalities. Let's wrap up here."

My heart yearned for a moment of solitude, a chance to process the storm of emotions that had been unleashed within me. It was clear that revisiting the past had resurfaced unresolved feelings, and I needed time to reconcile them.

As I made our exit, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of longing and regret. The meeting had opened a floodgate of emotions, reminding me of the chapters left unfinished and the unspoken words that lingered between us.

Heyy guys I hope you liked today's update , plzzzz support my book I'm a beginner in this field so plz tell my mistake of had done something wrong in any part of this book .

I'm eagerly waiting for your comments and votes and do suggest me if there's a need to editing....

Have a great day ahead

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