Longing in Every Glance

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As I stepped off the plane and into the bustling Delhi airport, my heart raced with anticipation. After months of hard work and dedication during my internship, I was finally returning to Delhi.

 And more importantly, I was coming back to him – Armaan, the man who had become an indispensable part of my life.

Amid the crowd, I searched for familiar faces, yearning to see him waiting for me with that charming smile of his. But amidst the sea of people, I couldn't spot him anywhere. My excitement waned, replaced by a pang of longing and a hint of disappointment.

I collected my luggage, my eyes scanning the airport for a sign of Ridaanshi and Adwait, my dear friends who had promised to pick me up. They had always been supportive of our relationship, and I cherished their friendship.

As I maneuvered through the bustling terminal, my gaze fell upon an unexpected sight – a banner that read, "Welcome Bhabhi." My heart skipped a beat, and I felt a rush of warmth and blush creeping into my cheeks.

Riaansh and Ridaanshi, the mischievous twins, stood next to the banner with identical grins. Ridaansh spoke up, his voice lighthearted and playful, "Wait, wait, bhabhiji... our beloved brother is in a meeting right now. He wanted to come, but he couldn't make it. Please bear with us."

I nodded, my blush deepening at the thought of Armaan's thoughtful gesture. Despite his work commitments, he had made an effort to welcome me back in his own special way. My heart swelled with affection for him.

After their warm greeting, we headed to Adwait and Ridaanshi's home. The exhaustion from the long journey was beginning to take its toll. I desperately needed rest, but my anticipation and excitement kept me going.

Once at their home, I made my way to the guest room. The soft, inviting bed seemed like a sanctuary after the hours of travel. I decided to take a short nap to rejuvenate myself, knowing that sooner or later, I would be reunited with Armaan.

As I lay down and closed my eyes, I couldn't help but wonder what awaited me in the days to come. The thought of finally seeing Armaan again filled me with joy, and I couldn't wait for our reunion after months of being apart.

After my brief nap, I woke up to the realization that I had missed two calls from Armaan. Regret gnawed at me momentarily, but the anticipation of our upcoming meeting overshadowed it. I quickly freshened up and made my way downstairs.

As I descended the stairs, my heart raced with a mixture of excitement and nerves. I had longed to see him, to feel his presence by my side again. The house was abuzz with the sounds of laughter and conversation, but my eyes were focused on one person.

And then, there he was, sitting with a dignified grace, dressed in a tuxedo that accentuated his charismatic presence. Our eyes locked as I descended the stairs, and time seemed to come to a standstill.

In that moment, the world faded away, leaving only the two of us. Armaan's gaze bore into mine, intense and unwavering. The love, longing, and joy in his eyes mirrored my own emotions.

The distance between us closed, step by step, until I stood in front of him. His magnetic pull drew me closer, and the anticipation of our reunion crackled in the air. My heart raced as I finally reached him, and without a word, he stood, his eyes never leaving mine.

Armaan's gaze was a testament to the depth of his feelings, and as I looked into his eyes, I could see the longing mirrored there. It was a silent plea, a desire so strong that it was almost palpable. I could feel it in every fiber of my being, that same craving for his presence, his touch, his love.In that moment, I realized that I couldn't bear to be away from him any longer. He wasn't just a part of my life; he was my life, my desire, my everything. The longing between us was mutual, an unspoken understanding that had grown during our time apart.

As we sat down for lunch, I found myself unable to focus on the food. My hunger seemed inconsequential compared to the hunger I felt for his embrace. Armaan noticed, as he always did, and his concern deepened the lines on his forehead.

Armaan's announcement about an important meeting hit me harder than I had anticipated. In that moment, it felt as if the world had conspired to keep us apart. I longed for his presence, for the warmth of his embrace, and for the assurance that I was his top priority.

After lunch, as he prepared to leave for his meeting, I couldn't help but feel a wave of disappointment wash over me. It was as if our time together had been abruptly cut short, and the pressing demands of his work took precedence over our reunion.

With a heavy heart, I watched him go, my emotions threatening to spill over. I closed the door to my room, seeking solace in the solitude. The tears I had been holding back finally flowed freely, a mixture of longing and frustration.

Just then, my phone rang, and I saw it was my father calling. He asked about my journey and if I had reached safely. I assured him that I was fine, trying to keep my voice steady despite the turmoil of emotions inside me. I didn't want to burden him with my feelings, but the ache of missing Armaan was becoming increasingly unbearable.

The night seemed unusually long without Armaan by my side. His absence created a void that no amount of distraction could fill. The hours passed in solitude, and even the food on my plate remained untouched, my appetite vanishing in his absence.

As I lay in bed, trying to find solace in the embrace of sleep, I suddenly felt a comforting presence beside me. The familiar warmth and scent filled the room, and I knew it was him. Armaan had returned, slipping into bed with me.

But instead of the relief I had expected to feel, a surge of anger coursed through me. I had missed him terribly, and his absence had stirred up a whirlwind of emotions. I turned away from him, my eyes welling up with unshed tears.

He didn't utter a word, understanding my silent turmoil. His hand found its way to my tummy, and he gently caressed it, as if trying to soothe the storm of emotions within me. His lips nuzzled my neck, sending shivers down my spine. 

In that moment, anger and longing battled within me. I wanted to scold him for prioritizing work over our time together, but I also yearned for his touch, for the connection we shared.

As his warm breath tickled my skin, my resolve wavered. I was mad at him, but I also couldn't resist the magnetic pull he had on my heart. The tears that had been held back now trickled down my cheeks, silently conveying the depth of my emotions.

hiii guys i know it's late update ...got busy in some work ....so two updates today

byyy  take care

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