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Armaan's heart raced as he stood at Khwahish's door, ready to confront the truth that had been haunting him for so long. As she opened the door, her surprise was evident, but her guard quickly went up as she questioned his unexpected presence.

Khwahish(stern): "What are you doing here?"

Armaan, his emotions a whirlwind inside him, held up the bottle of anxiety pills, his tone laced with sarcasm.

Armaan: "Oh, just wanted to return your anxiety pills, Mam. Seems like you misplaced them."

Khwahish's expression transformed from surprise to shock as she realized that Armaan was aware of her secret. With a mixture of defense and vulnerability, she shrugged him off, dismissing his inquiry.

Khwahish: "It's none of your business, Armaan. Why do you care?"

Armaan, feeling the weight of his unspoken love for Khwahish, couldn't bear to see her suffer in silence any longer. He stepped inside her flat, closing the door firmly behind him, and looked into her eyes with determination.

Armaan: "Explain, Khwahish Ahuja..Why are you taking these pills? Why are you carrying this burden alone? It's my buisness , it's because of me so fucking tell me ."

Khwahish, taken aback by Armaan's intensity, felt a mix of emotions flooding within her. The walls she had built to protect herself began to crumble under the weight of his words.

Armaan's heart sank as Khwahish's voice filled the room with a mixture of anger and fear. He froze in his tracks, his eyes brimming with tears, realizing the depth of pain he had caused her.

Khwahish's voice trembled as she shouted, desperate to assert her boundaries.

Khwahish: "Don't come close, Mr. Chauhan! Stay within your limits!"

Armaan's voice quivered with emotion as he pleaded with her, his vulnerability on full display.

Armaan: "Please, Khwahish, for my sake. Hear me out. I'm not here to hurt you. I just want to understand and be there for you."

Khwahish's voice echoed through the room, filled with raw anger and pain. Her emotions surged to the surface as she confronted Armaan, her voice trembling with bitterness.

Khwahish: "Where the hell was your care when you broke my heart? Where were you when I needed you the most?"

Armaan stood frozen, his heart breaking at the sight of Khwahish's anguish. He struggled to find the right words, his own emotions tangled with guilt and regret.She reached out and clutched his shirt, her eyes burning with tears and resentment.

Khwahish: "Words mean nothing, Armaan "sir"! Where were you when I was drowning in sorrow? Where were you when I needed you and your support?"

With a forceful motion, Khwahish pushed Armaan away, her tears pouring out as she demanded answers.

Khwahish: "Tell me, Armaan! Where the hell were you?"

Armaan, his own eyes filled with tears, struggled to find the right response. He realized the depth of his failures and the wounds he had inflicted on Khwahish's heart.

Khwahish: (wiping her tears) You want to know what happened? Then listen. When you broke my heart, everyone thought I was an ugly bitch who was with you because of your money. They spread rumors that I had done black magic on you. They said I didn't deserve you. I was just pretending to l..... But let it be. Understanding and empathy were never in your dictionary. They labeled me as a slut... (her voice trembles)

Armaan: (interrupting, his voice filled with anguish) Stop, Khwahish. I can't listen to this.

Khwahish: (continuing, her voice breaking) They thought I was cheap, unworthy of respect. I faced humiliation every day. I cried myself to sleep, praying for the pain to end. I lost myself in the darkness, and you weren't there to save me, I hate you ...I hate you (she breaks down, crying uncontrollably)

As Khwahish stood, desperately searching for her pills, her anxiety threatening to consume her, Armaan immediately recognized the gravity of the situation. He rose from his place, swiftly reaching for her trembling hands, and gently prevented her from taking the medication.

Armaan: (softly but firmly) You're not going to take this, Khwahish.

Khwahish: (crying miserably) I can't... I can't bear this anymore. Please... I need to take them.

Armaan: (with tears in his eyes) No, Khwahish. I won't let you go down that path again. You don't have to face this alone.

With a deep understanding of her pain, Armaan enveloped Khwahish in his arms, pulling her close to him. They sank down to the floor, finding solace in each other's embrace. Khwahish, overwhelmed by her emotions, struggled and attempted to free herself, scratching at Armaan's neck in her desperation. However, he held on tightly, refusing to let go, his grip growing even firmer.

In that intimate space, Khwahish's cries reverberated, echoing the depths of her anguish. Armaan's silent presence provided her the security and comfort she desperately needed. She clung to him, her arms wrapped around his neck, seeking solace and stability. She released all the pain and pent-up emotions that had haunted her for so long.

As Khwahish sobbed, Armaan's own tears silently fell. He remained silent, understanding that she needed this release, this opportunity to let her emotions flow freely. He held her with unwavering strength, offering a safe haven for her vulnerability.

Their bodies intertwined, Khwahish found solace in the warmth of Armaan's embrace. Her cries filled the room, creating an emotional symphony that echoed their shared pain. Armaan rested his head on top of hers, his arms encircling her waist protectively, offering a sense of security.

In this tender moment, words were unnecessary. Armaan knew that Khwahish needed to express her anguish, to release the weight she had carried for far too long. He remained present, offering silent support as they sat on the floor, finding solace in each other's arms.

Hii guys finally they confronted each other ❤️.
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