she hates me !!

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guys plz vote and comments ..don't be a silent reader 

it's my first book ..i need support...pleaseeee!!

As days turned into weeks, Khwahish and Armaan found themselves crossing paths frequently within the walls of the Senital Company. Each encounter was laced with professionalism, a carefully constructed facade that hid the depth of their emotions. Yet, amidst the bustling work environment, their eyes told a different story.

One day, Ridaanshi paid an unexpected visit to Safeheaven. Her eyes widened with astonishment as she spotted Khwahish engrossed in work alongside Armaan. She approached them, a mix of curiosity and concern etched on her face.

Ridaanshi: "Khwahish? What are you doing here?"

Khwahish's heart skipped a beat, unsure of how Ridaanshi would react. She took a moment to compose herself before explaining the situation.

Khwahish:  It's strictly business, nothing else

Ridaanshi studied Khwahish's face, searching for any hints of hidden emotions. Her eyes flickered between Khwahish and Armaan, noticing the unspoken connection that lingered in her  gaze.

Ridaanshi: "Khwahish, I understand. But remember, eyes don't lie. I can see the glimmer of hope that exists between you two, even if you both deny it."

Khwahish's breath caught in her throat, surprised by Ridaanshi's insight. She couldn't deny the truth in her words, as much as she wanted to bury her feelings deep within.

Khwahish: "Ridaanshi, we have our reasons for keeping things professional. We've both grown and changed over the years. Our focus now is on the success of this project, nothing more."

Ridaanshi nodded, understanding the complexity of the situation. She respected Khwahish's decision and knew that sometimes the heart needed time to heal.

Ridaanshi bid them farewell, leaving Khwahish to reflect on their conversation. Despite her reservations, a sliver of hope began to grow within her heart.

Armaan pov:-

As I saw Khwahish every day during the event preparations, a storm of emotions raged within me. It hurt to be so close to her yet feel like a stranger. I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of pride in witnessing her expertise and creativity as she organized everything flawlessly. 

However, the more I observed her, the more it pained me to see the changes time had brought. Her once long hair, a signature of her beauty, now served as a reminder of the distance that had grown between us. And her eyes, once filled with warmth and emotions, now seemed distant and guarded.

The word "love" echoed in my mind, triggering an overwhelming surge of emotions. Did she really love me back then? Or was it all just a fleeting moment in her life?

 The fear of finding out the truth haunted me, and I couldn't bear the thought of discovering that our connection had meant more to me than it did to her.

Every day, I battled with the desire to reach out to her, to break the barriers and share what was in my heart. But the fear of rejection held me back. I didn't want to disrupt the newfound collaboration between our companies, nor did I want to put her in an uncomfortable position.

As Shrey entered the room with his usual humor, he couldn't resist poking fun at my serious demeanor.

"Again thinking about that girl, huh? Leave her, don't be guilty, man. You did what you could for her," he teased.

I chuckled softly, appreciating Shrey's attempt to lighten the mood."Okay, sir," I replied with a smile.. 

"Who knows, maybe she has a boyfriend now."he said chuckling

As he spoke those words, I couldn't help but wonder if Khwahish had indeed moved on. The uncertainty still lingered in my mind, and the thought of her being with someone else tugged at my heart.

Shrey then shifted the topic, asking about the collaboration with Dream House

"Bro, how's the collaboration with Dream House going on?" he inquired, his curiosity evident."It's going great,"

 I responded, genuinely pleased with the progress we were making. "Khwahish is just amazing at what she does."

I could see the admiration in Shrey's eyes as he nodded in agreement."Hmm, I know," he said, "She's got that creative spark that sets her apart."

I couldn't help but smile, appreciating his validation of Khwahish's talent.

"But tell me one thing," Shrey continued, "Why do you both behave so abnormally together?"His question caught me off guard, and I paused for a moment before responding.

"Because the girl whom you're talking about is none other than Khwahish Ahuja," Adwait said matter-of-factly.

His words took me by surprise..I felt a mix of emotions at that moment – surprise, curiosity, and a tinge of vulnerability. and I couldn't help but wonder how much he knew.

I nodded in response, confirming his revelation. There was no point in denying it now.

Shrey, who was standing nearby, looked genuinely shocked. His eyes widened as he processed the information.

"That means you and her... fuck dude it's a mess...i mean how" Shrey trailed off, not needing to finish the sentence.

I nodded again, and for a moment, there was silence in the room as shrey absorbed the revelation. I could tell that Shrey was trying to piece together the fragments of our shared history, the unspoken emotions that lingered between me and Khwahish.

Finally, Adwait broke the silence, offering a reassuring smile.Adwait: "it's a short yet long story shrey"

I smiled back, grateful for his understanding and support. Adwait had always been perceptive, and it seemed that he had sensed the significance of our connection even before I could articulate it.

"Yes, " I replied, my voice tinged with a mix of nostalgia and sadness

Shrey still in shock, managed to find his words, "Wow, this is like something out of a movie! I had no idea."

 "It's a chapter from the past that we've kept to ourselves for a long time," I explained, not wanting to reveal too much.

Shrey seemed to respect my privacy and simply nodded in understanding.

Shrey: "Well, I must say, Khwahish is truly amazing. She's not just talented but also incredibly strong. even i'll fell for her"

I shot a look , acknowledging his words. 

"woah....dude wait i was just saying, no intentions to hit on your girl" shrey( amused)

Armaan: "she's not my girl ..dude , she hates me, "

Adwait :" because she loved you..idiot ..tell her the truth armaan "

Armaan: "she'll hate him's better she'll hate me"

Shrey:" you love her dude"

so here is today's update ...

and what is armaan hiding  from everyone..any guesses????

and one more thing i just made insta count @wish09927..go and follow it

wait for next  update till...then 

take care bbyeee

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