| part 6 |

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In ten minutes, the cast and crew of the next propos are making the trek to the outside. I left Caspian asleep on the chair with the watchful eye of Plutarch. The man has gained my trust over the months I have known him, so I trust him with my son.

I slurp my coffee as we travel. As I knock back the dregs that have settled to the bottom of the cup, I feel a slight buzz start to run through my veins. I have missed coffee.

After climbing a final ladder, Boggs hits a lever that opens a trapdoor. Fresh air rushes in. I take big gulps and for the first time allow myself to feel how much I hated the bunker.

"What day is it?" Katniss asks no one in particular.

"October" I tell her. I've been trying to keep track of the days to know how far along Aurora should be in her pregnancy. That's if she's still pregnant. Or even alive herself.
She's currently around the end of 8 months so we need to rescue her soon.

As we approach what used to be the grand entrance, Gale points out something and the whole party slows down. I don't know what the problem is at first and then I see the ground strewn with fresh white roses.

"So, what exactly do you need from me again?" Katniss asks

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"So, what exactly do you need from me again?" Katniss asks.

"Just a few quick lines that show you're alive and still fighting," says Cressida.

"Okay." She takes her position and then Staring. Staring. "I'm sorry, I've got nothing."

Cressida walks up to Katniss.
"You feeling okay?" Katniss nods. I could tell she was lying, she wasn't okay.

"How about we do the old
Q-and-A thing?" Cressida she says reasoning with Katniss.

"Yeah. That would help, I think." I give her a thumbs-up, looking pretty shaky myself but I try my best for her.

"So, Katniss. You've survived the Capitol bombing of Thirteen. How did it compare with what you experienced on the ground in Eight?"

"I'm sorry I can't do this" the burnt out girl says.

"How about we just try one line? Katniss I want you to repeat after me. Thirteens alive and well and so am I" Cressida says with a slight look of pity as she tries helping the younger girl out.

"Thirteen's alive and well and so am-" Katniss cuts off in a dry, squeaking sound.

"Try the line again," says Cressida. " 'Thirteen's alive and well and so am I.' "

"Thirteen's alive and so-"

"Katniss, just this one line and you're done today. I promise," Cressida assures her. "Cut," I hear Cressida say quietly as she relies Katniss doesn't want this.

Katniss runs off, with Hatnitch following behind her quickly.

"What's wrong with her?" I hear someone say under their breathe.

"She's figured out how Snow's using Peeta" I explain.

"If we can get in the Capitol in the next few hours, Beetee can air it leading up to the rescue, and maybe keep the Capitol's attention elsewhere."

"A distraction," I say. "A decoy of sorts."

"What we really need is something so riveting that even President Snow won't be able to tear himself away. Got anything like that?" asks

"Finnick, come here" Plutarch calls me over. "I know this is a hard subject for you to talk about but it's a good distraction"

I could see where he was going with this and I wasn't liking it one bit.

"I need you to talk about Snow selling your body and what he did to you and Aurora" all the colour from my face drains away. But I nod my head in agreement. It was the best shot of them getting Aurora and Johhana out alive.

 It was the best shot of them getting Aurora and Johhana out alive

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I make my way in front of the camera.

"You don't have to do this"
Plutarch tells me.

"Yes I do. It will help them. I have to" I say balling up the new rope in my hands.

"President Snow used to...sell me...my body, that is," I begin in a flat, removed tone. "I wasn't the only one. If a victor is considered desirable, the president gives them as a reward or allows people to buy them for an exorbitant amount of money. If you refuse, he kills someone you love. Aurora was forced into selling her body at just 13. She had warned me two days before my 16th birthday of what would happen if I refused. Even though she warned me I still refused and later that day President Snow set my house on fire, killing my mother. I wasn't the only one, but I was one of the most popular, alongside my wife, Aurora" I say. "My patrons would make presents of money or jewelry, but I found a much more valuable form of payment. Secrets. And this is where you're going to want to stay tuned, President Snow, because so very many of them were about you. President Coriolanus Snow," I continue. "Such a young man when he rose to power. Such a clever one to keep it. How, you must ask yourself, did he do it? One word. That's all you really need to know. Poison."

"There are several cases of mysterious deaths of Snow's adversaries or, even worse, his allies who had the potential to become threats. People dropping dead at a feast or slowly, inexplicably declining into shadows over a period of months. Blamed on bad shellfish, elusive viruses, or an overlooked weakness in the aorta. Snow drinking from the poisoned cup himself to deflect suspicion. But antidotes don't always work. They say that's why he wears the roses that reek of perfume. They say it's to cover the scent of blood from the mouth sores that will never heal"

"Cut" I hear someone shout and I drop down to my knees. Letting the tears flow. Having to re-live the nightmares of my life. Having to think of Aurora knowing she could be dead right now.

"Daddy" I hear Caspian say as Plutarch places him on the ground as he runs towards me being careful of the rubble. I pull him into a tight hug. They clearly sent him out here knowing he's the only thing to calm me down. "Why do you cry?" he asks me wiping away my tears.

"I just miss mummy that's all"

"Me too" he said before wrapping his arms around my neck, hugging me. I feel everyone's eyes on us.

Me and Katniss refuse to leave Special Defense and end up waiting in the hummingbird room for news. Making knots. Making knots. No words. Making knots. Tick-tock. This is a clock. Making knots. Fingers raw and bleeding. I finally give up and assumes the hunched position I took in the arena when the jabberjays attacked.

"Did you love Aurora right away, Finnick?" Katniss asked breaking the silence.

"No." A long time passes before I add, "She crept up on me." That was the truth. At first I was winding her up and playing tricks but after I won my games she just became my everything.

1190 words

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