Growing Up

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The atmosphere was miserable for a little while after you got back to the hotel from Girans.
You don't mind, you completely understand. It was weird without Magne around, it felt like there was something huge missing whenever you went downstairs and she wasn't there.

It was sad to be around though.

You didn't like seeing Toga going from her usually chirpy self to her face crumpling up out of nowhere as she would randomly burst into tears.
You didn't like seeing Jin argue with himself when he finally tore himself from his room, even if he was especially cuddly with you on account of his bad mood.
You didn't like seeing Spinner seem dead behind the eyes, his usually pretty and shiny scales dull and almost faded as if he was sick, too.
Atsuhiro was apparently sick in his room as well, and you weren't allowed to be too loud upstairs in case you disturbed him. Not that you ever were anyway, but you didn't want to annoy Shigaraki by saying that.

The only people that seemed unaffected were Kurogiri, Dabi and Shigaraki.
Dabi said he was sad, but you never saw him cry. He only ever really seemed to get a sad glint in his eye and have the corners of his mouth dip slightly whenever you cried about it.

Shigaraki seemed to be in a particularly bad mood, but not necessarily upset.
He was just a lot more quiet than usual, scrolling on his phone, reading or musing and tapping his fingers on whatever was closest.
You hadn't even seen him with his handheld console once.
In fact, you were beginning to think he was sleeping downstairs and not washing. You hadn't seen him change his clothes since coming back from Girans, and his hair seemed to be getting more and more wet looking as time went on.

When Atsuhiro was better, you were amazed when he'd shown you his new arm, flexing the metal appendage proudly.
He wouldn't tell you what had happened to his arm which had led to him needing a replacement, and when you'd asked Dabi, Spinner interrupted and told you that there was an accident with Atsuhiros magic, but wouldn't tell you any more than that. Even Shigaraki seemed to huff in amusement at that.
It was all very mysterious, and you were in awe of it.

Once Atsuhiro was back, everyone seemed to get back to their usual selves a little more and more each day.
In maybe a little over a week, they were back to work, even if Toga and Jin were still struggling with the loss of Magne.
Dabi said you couldn't go back to Giran's when they all disappeared for an hour or so for the first time since Magne had died.
He was still mad at him, even though you'd heard Giran try to stick up for him.

So you had been left with Kurogiri and the others whenever Dabi was working.
Himiko was still a little emotionally unstable, so you tried to leave her alone unless she came to you first. You didn't want to accidentally upset her.
Jin was still trying to avoid everyone as much as possible, and whenever you asked Dabi why, he told you that he blamed himself for Magne.
You thought that was ridiculous though, because it wasn't Jin's fault that the nasty man made Magne sick.

You continued to try to avoid Spinner as much as possible whenever you could, although you did enjoy your English lessons with him.
It wasn't too bad being around him when he was sick, but now he was feeling better and his scales were shiny again and his eyes were sharp, his hair was getting longer and longer, and you found yourself getting more flustered around him again.
Whenever Dabi saw you interact with Spinner he'd sometimes tease you for it, and Jin would ruffle your hair and give you a knowing little smile whenever Spinner complimented your work and made you blush.

Atsuhiro sometimes played card games with you and if he was in a good mood he would show you magic tricks, but never tried to replicate the one that took his arm. But a lot of the time he was out with the others or in his room.
Sometimes everyone would be out, or in their rooms, and that would leave you with just Shigaraki and Kurogiri to keep you company.

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