If I Hold You, I Can Fix Myself

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** TW: Brief mention of SA/CSA **
(I tried to keep it as inexplicit as possible.)

He watches her carefully for a moment before hearing the door to the hideout open. She's fully invested in an episode of Adventure Time, the sound loud enough for Touya to hear the theme song from where he was.
He strokes her hair once more before standing and peering over the edge of the hole in the ceiling. He hears the sound of glass being swept up as Hawks approaches, and fights the urge to roll his eyes. A hero scared of stepping on a little glass.

He isn't expecting a young girl with large white wings to appear alongside Hawks, and it immediately sours his mood.

"What the fuck is this, bring your kid to work day?" He asks as Hawks leads her to Touyas old couch.

"She's sick, and unfortunately the only people I trust her with are busy cleaning up your mess in Deika City."

Touya doesn't feel bad about that, giving a scoff in response. "They took my kid. I'd have left a bigger mess if I didn't needta make sure she was safe."

He glances over at Star to make sure she was still distracted, which she was.
He's about to flip his lid about Hawks bringing his kid to a meeting with him when she's sick, her shivering visible even from a distance, and then he realises that he's done the exact same shit, and probably shouldn't be passing judgment on someone else's parenting skills.
He still can't believe the damn bird has a kid anyway with his reputation as a womanizer.

"Just call a fuckin' babysitter." Touya snaps.

"Can't trust 'em." Hawks shrugs, facing where Touya's voice was coming from.

Touya sighs, glancing at Star before dropping to the bottom floor, so used to dropping from higher places that he lands on his feet effortlessly, shoving his hands into his pockets.
Hawks' kid makes a strange noise, something between a startled yelp and a gag, something that makes Touyas nose crinkle.

"So bringin' her here was a better option?" Touya asks, craning his neck to get a better look at the teenager Hawks brought along with him. Kid looks like she's about to hurl any minute now. "If she pukes, you're cleaning it up, birdie."

She stares straight back at him, because of course she does.
Star is so unphased by his scars, along with the rest of the League, that he had actually forgotten how the general public reacted to them.
It aches, because of course it does, but he chooses to ignore it. Kids are kids, they're going to stare.

"She's not gonna puke, princess."

Touya smirks. Oh, the irony.

"Where'd the attitude come from?" Touya asks, cocking his head. "Brave now your kid's here, huh?"

He takes a step towards Hawks, to get closer so he can take the files he was meant to be meeting the hero to collect, but is met with immediate hostility, his wings unfurling from behind him, creating a wall separating Touya from his kid.
Several sharpened feathers point towards Touya, and Hawks has a little frown tugging those stupid bushy eyebrows together, as though to scare Touya.

Touya can't help but chuckle. As stupid as he was behaving, he gets it. Because he would do the same for his little Star.

"Don't worry, Hawks. Ain't interested in her. Just want the damn files like you promised."

Hawks lowers his wings and reaches to grab the files, which should be the names of all the heroes signed to his agency and where they patrol. The second Hawks holds it out to Touya, he snatches it from the winged hero, pissed off about being threatened twice by the man who's meant to be impressing him.
He flicks through the pages as quickly as he can to ensure that he recognises the names of at least a few heroes under Hawks' name, Tomura having sent him a list of names he himself knew through text on his hospital bed.

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