The fight

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A week later

A week had pasted since I had seen Sarah my mind was in all different places, I missed my bestfriend. Me and wheezie had been hanging out a lot more even more then I was hanging out with Rafe some days. My parents decided to take a vacation to Hawaii together and decided not to invite me even though I never see them so I had been staying with the Cameron's for the week. My parents didn't trust me alone for a week even though I'm always alone, at first I wasn't complaining I mean a whole week I got to be with my boyfriend what couple wouldn't want that? And a week I got to be with my bestfriend.
( I thought it was gonna be amazing oh boy was I wrong).

So since I was staying at Rafes house and he was constantly with me he decided it would be fun to be meaner and more controlling then ever. He didn't let me go surfing in the morning and he didn't let me leave the house without him, the second night I was with him we got in a huge fight and I spent the night crying in wheezies arms well she played with my hair . She was the closest person I had to a friend at this time, funny a 13 year old is a 17 year olds best friend. I honestly felt so betrayed by Sarah I mean I understood wanting to be friends with the pogues I mean sometimes now that she's gone I think about how my life would be being there friend. But the fact she just left me here knowing Rafe would never let me see her again and her not even coming home broke my heart, but deep down I always missed kiara then I ever could miss Sarah.

Ok so the other night me and Rafe went to a party, and this guy was flirting with me ( he is a nice guy he was just drunk) I wasn't flirting back with him I was just being nice because I knew he wouldn't remember this in the morning. Rafe got mad and thought I was flirting with him and brought me back to his house.

"Rafe was it really that serious we didn't need to leave the party" I annoyly told him

"No y/n I am done with your bullshit these past weeks" he said at me angry.

"Bullshit? My bullshit? You gotta be joking right now rafe" I said to him and then got out of his car and stormed inside and went up into Sarah's room where was where I was sleeping because she never comes home anymore, and I locked the door.

Rafe came up to the door and tried opening it to find it was locked "Y/n let me in the god damn room right fucking now" he said to me, I wasn't gonna let him in he was in one of those angry moods I knew it wasn't safe " no Rafe I'm tired and going to bed".

"LET ME IN YOU BITCH" He yelled at me well banging on the door.

"I SAID NO" I yelled back at him I was done with him acting like this and now we had gotten the whole family's attention from the yelling. It went quiet for about 5 minutes until I heard the door unlock.

"Rafe what the fuck obviously I wanna be alone" I told him.

He got up in my face and rolled his eyes "this is my house not yours and I'm talking to you"

"Ok and I'm done with you acting like a dick since Iv been staying here" I said trying to walk out of the room. Rafe grabbed my arm to stop me from walking out of the room.

"get your fucking hands off me Rafe Cameron" I said well trying to push him away.

"YOU LISTEN TO ME Y/N YOU HEAR ME" Rafe screamed into my face.

"Mmh idk not really in the mood" i snarked back at him(that was a bad decision)

Rafe pushed me against the wall and put his hands around my neck and started to choke me, well I was punching and kicking him to try to get him off me.

"Not so tuff right now huh baby, I am your boyfriend and I don't want you around other men".

I was starting to lose my breath and felt like I was gonna pass out when he finally let go of me realizing how bad he was hurting me

"F-uck you Rafe Cameron" I struggled to get out well trying to catch my breath

"I'm sorry baby I don't know what came across me" Rafe said now acting all innocent once his little sister  had came in the room from all the yelling.

"Save it Rafe get out" I told him with tears in my eyes.

"But baby I didn't mean too"Rafe said trying to pity me.

"Rafe I think you should get out" said wheezie

Rafe walk out while his hand started rubbing his face . I fell down to the ground and started crying and that's when wheezie held me well I cried for hours.

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