Reunited with Rafe

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As I drove to Rafe house I was preparing myself for a beating. I mean I know I messed up, leaving randomly not telling him where I was going, and cheating on him. But that was not why I went to the beach that night, I was gonna end it all. But JJ saved me. Fucking JJ maybank saved me.

I pulled up to rafes house turning off JJs motorcycle and putting the helmet on the seat, I walked up to the door and knocked. A minute later the door opened but it wasn't Rafe it was ward. I just froze.

"Y/n, your parents have been worried" he said going to grab my arm.

"Um" I said not knowing what to say I was in front of a murder.

Ward grabbed my arm trying to pull me inside "what is your problem y/n get inside" he said I didn't wanna move I didn't know what would happen if the door shut behind me.

Then I heard someone running down the stairs. It was Rafe, I made eye contact with him he could tell I was scared.

Rafe shoved wards hands off me " do not touch her" he said grabbing my arm dragging me upstairs.

We got to his room and he shut the door and locked it "what the fuck are you doing here" he said to me, I was confused "what do you mean Rafe" I said not knowing why he wasn't yelling at me "are you crazy y/n my dad killed peterkin" he said, why was he worried about me.

"Omg Rafe are you okay" I said expecting him to yell at me but instead he just went up to me and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me " y/n you need to leave you can't get hurt" he said to me as I felt his tears rolling down my back.

I pulled back from him "I can't Rafe" I said to him starting to pace around his room"

"You can't? Y/n did you hear me my dad murdered somebody. You need to leave now" he said to me confused and grabbing my arm.

"Your father framed John b rafe" I said at him turning to face him.

"John b? Since when do you give a fuck about the pogues?" He said to me

"Rafe a innocent person is in jail because of your father and your okay with this?" I said at him, I couldn't believe this I mean Rafe was an asshole but I never thought he was that big of one.

"And if the truth comes out my dad will go to jail" he said at me now getting angry.

"So What Rafe it's better to tip toe around your house hoping he doesn't kill you?" I said at him now with my blood starting to boil.

Rafe snapped at me "HE WOULD NEVER HURT ME Y/N"


Rafe pushed me against the wall and put his hands around my neck "DO NOT DISRESPECT MY FAMILY OR MY FATHER YOU HEAR ME" he yelled into my face.

I struggled to get any words out of my month" f-uck yo-u"

Rafe took one of his hands away from my throat and put it on top of my boob " wouldn't you love too baby" my blood started to boil and I kicked his stomach to get him off of me.

"We are over Rafe, you here me we are over" I said putting my finger in his face "what do you mean we are over y/n" he said to me raising his eyebrow.

"I slept with JJ Rafe and it felt amazing and honestly I think I'm falling in love with him" I said to him walking out of his room. I called JJ.

"Where are you y/n" he said when he answered

"I'm at rafes, but I'm leaving now. I just broke up with him" I said.

"Y/n your crazy that's dangerous get out of there fast"he said to me worried.

"Relax JJ, I'm fine-" I was cut off when I felt something stab me from the back" JJ I need help" I said before falling to the ground and not being able to moves a muscle, I looked up to see ward with a needle in his hand and heard Rafe screaming from his bedroom.

Then just like that Everything went dark.

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