The apology

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I had been living with pope for a week now, my parents and Rafe thought I was staying with my grandma but I couldn't keep that lie up for much longer, still nobody had heard or seen JJ it had been almost a month since our breakup. Everyone was really worried about him, even I was. Today me and the pouges were hanging out.

"Do you guys think JJ will come home soon" kie asked everyone and we all went quiet.

"Can we just talk about something else for a change" John b asked well Sarah held his hand.

"Yeah so what's the plans when you guys graduate" Sarah asked letting out a giggle, we talked about that for awhile until we heard a motorcycle from outside.

"is that JJ?"Kie stood up and went to the window she saw JJ and she opened the door and ran outside.

"Omg JJ are you okay where the hell have you been" she asked going to hug him, he just stood there, I was watching from inside, he had bruises all over his body and had lost a lot of weight.

"Im going to bed" JJ said and walked inside, when he walked inside we made eyes contact, he looked at me, he looked so mentally drained. He didn't say anything and went to his room and closed the door.

I went on the porch "what are we supposed to do" I asked concerned "I'm gonna go try to talk to him" John b said and walked inside, I sat down and Sarah looked at me.

"Y/n your gonna need to talk to him you know that" she said to me placing her hand on my knee.

I looked at kie and pope "does he look bad?" I asked

"He has never looked like this, I'm really worried" kie said and turned her head and looked into the yard.

Moments later John b walked onto the porch, he didn't say anything he just walked to the corner and stared off into the water. Sarah got up and rubbed his back "what happened" she asked, John b turned around and looked at all of us "he isn't talking, he is just laying there, I'm worried" I didn't know what to do as much as he hurt me, I couldn't deal with seeing him in so much pain.

I got up and started walking inside kie stood up "where are you going y/n" she asked me chewing on her finger nail "I'm gonna go talk to him" I said and walked inside.

I opened the door and seeing him just laying there broke my heart, I went over to his bed and sat at the end "JJ are you okay" I asked, he didn't answer me at first "okay I get it I'll go" I said and went to get up.

I heard a mumble "I'm so sorry y/n" I turned my head to face him "JJ" I was cut off by him "no I know I messed up, I wasn't thinking clearly, I never wanted to hurt you" I held back my tears "I know" I looked down at the floor.

"You have no idea how much I love you y/n" he said, I took a deep breath holding my tears back "I never wanted to lose you" he said and then I heard him sniffing. I had never seen a guy cry like this unless it was to guilt trip me.

"It's okay JJ I understand" I said looking over at him.

"I'm so fucked up I'm sorry I can't be what you deserve" he said turning his head to face me.

"JJ your not fucked up, you have just gone through a lot" I said and then laid beside him and hugged him from behind.

"I have never loved somebody as much as I love you" I said, he turned around too face me and hugged me.

"Please give me another chance y/n, I promise to never hurt you again" he said to me,
I pulled away from the hug and put my two hands on his face "okay JJ I trust you" he leaned in and kissed me and then put this head on my chest until we both fell asleep.

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